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中国饲料工业发展概况 Development overview of Chinese feed industry 始于1980年代 Began in 1980s 2008年商品饲料产量达1.31亿吨,居世界第二位 The yield of feed commodities is up to 131,000,000 tons, ranked second in the world 饲料工业体系包括: The feed industry includes the following,  饲料加工业、饲料添加剂工业、饲料原料工业、饲料机械工业,以及科研教育、监督检测等 Feed processing industry , feed additives industry, feed raw materials industry, feed machinery industry,and research, inspection and testing 2008年饲料生产总体情况 The overall situation of feed production in 2008 工业饲料总产量1.37亿吨,总产值4258亿元,分别增长10.8%和8.5%,其中Overall output of industry feed is 137,000,000 tons,the gross output value is about 425,800,000,000 RMB,increase by 10.8% and 8.5% each, 配合饲料1.06亿吨,同比增长13.6% Mixed feed, 106,000,000 tons, increases by 13.6% compared to the same period last year 浓缩饲料2530万吨,同比增长1.6% Concentrated feed, 25,300,000 tons,increases by 1.6% compared to the same period last year 添加剂预混合饲料546万吨,同比增长4.79% Pre-mixed feed additive, 5,460,000 tons,increases by 4.79% compared to the same period last year 规范性文件 Normative documents 饲料添加剂品种目录(农业部1126号公告) Lists of Additives permitted to use in feed(MOA Announcement No. 1126 ) 单一饲料产品目录(农业部977号公告) Single feed products directory (MOA Announcement No. 977 ) 饲料添加剂安全使用规范(农业部1224号公告) Feed additive safe use specification (MOA Announcement No. 1224 ) 饲料药物添加剂使用规范(农业部168号公告) Feed Drug additives safe use specification (MOA Announcement No. 168) 禁止在饲料和动物饮用水中使用的药物品种目录(农业部176号公告) Drug directory inhibited to use in feed and animal drinking water (MOA Announcement No. 176 ) 食用动物禁用的兽药及其他化合物清单(农业部193号公告) Lists of banned veterinary drugs and other compounds in meat animals (MOA Announcement No. 168) 标准体系 standard system 两个强制性国家标准: Two obliged national standard: 饲料标签标准(GB10648-1999) Feed labeling standard(GB10648-1999) 饲料卫生标准(GB13078-2001 ) Hygienical standard for feeds (GB13078-2001 ) 国家标准—国家标准化管理委员会 National standard—Standardization Administration of Ch



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