
毕业设计论文-加强上市公司财务管理的对策 .doc

毕业设计论文-加强上市公司财务管理的对策 .doc

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摘 要 随着我国经济的不断发展,综合国力的不断增强,我国的上市公司也越来越多。但由于我国的国情注定了我国的经济以中小企业为主,公司上市起步比较晚,财务管理制度不健全,很多上市公司的财务管理不断的出现问题,以至于对公司产生极大的影响,甚至威胁到经济的正常运转。本文在对财务管理含有和财务管理现状认真探讨的基础上,通过对上市企业财务管理方式的分析,分别用归纳分析法、实证分析法、综合研究法对我国上市公司的财务管理状况进行研究,并从宏观,微观等方面提出上市公司在财务管理中存在的问题,并以广东鸿图公司为例分析上市公司财务管理中出现的问题,同时结合国内外的相关文献综述进一步阐述我国上市公司财务管理方面的问题并找出对策并以此找出解决这些问题的对策,并且提出建立完善的财务管理体制建议。最后得出企业特别是上市企业越来越迫切需要改变财务管理混乱这一现状,中国现代上市企业深化经济体制改革,加快制度调整,调整内部企业结构,增强财会人员的监督意识具有特别重要的现实意义这一结论。 关键词:上市公司 财务管理 问题 对策 Abstract With the rapid development of economy and the comprehensive national strength in China, there are more and more public companies that have emerged dramatically . However, due to the Chinese national economy is bound to be medium and small enterprises, therefore the public companies started relatively late and slow with incomplete financial management systems, and the majority of them have been emerging different kinds of problems, which has had a significant impact on the company and even pose a threat to the normal functioning of the economy. According to the thorough investigation about current financial and managerial situation management , also by analyzing the management methods from listed companies, which contains inductive analysis,empirical analysis, comprehensive studies of law on the financial condition in China, and propose the existent financial problems which has encountered in many public enterprises in the macro and micro aspects. What’s more, we take Guangdong Hongtu Co.,Ltd as an example and analyze its financial management situation, also we combined with domestic and international literature review to further elaborate the financial management of listed companies issues and to find ways to solve these problems in order to build up and improve a series of financial management system.In conclusion, especially the public companies have been urgently needing to change the financial management chaos situation, Chinese modern listed companies need to deepen economic reformation , acce



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