世界上最狭长的国家 世界上最狭长的国家―智利.doc

世界上最狭长的国家 世界上最狭长的国家―智利.doc

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世界上最狭长的国家 世界上最狭长的国家―智利 翻译:方嘉乐TheWorld’sThinnestCountry――Chileoranyonewhohaseverbeenfascinatedbygeography,thelong,impossiblythinlineofChilehasalwaysp… 翻译:洪馥芝RobertFrostDiscoversAnotherRoadNotTakenTworoadsdiverged[分叉]inawoodAsthoughinargument.IhadtokeepgoingononeTogettotheendo… 翻译:DarrenANickelintheRoadExercisingisnotoneofmyfavorite1)pastimesbutIknowitsgoodforme,soeverydayItrytogetoutsideandtakeatwo-…   翻译:方嘉乐   The World’s Thinnest Country――Chile   or anyone who has ever been fascinated by geography, the long, impossibly thin line of Chile has always produced a moment of 1)astonishment. Chile stretches over 4,300km along the southwestern coast of South America, a distance roughly the same as that from San Francisco to New York. At the same time, its width never exceeds 240 km, making the country more than 18 times longer than its widest point.   The most obvious factor in Chile’s 2)remarkable 3)slenderness is the 4)massive and virtually 5)impassable wall of the 6)Andes, a mountain range that contains more than 50 active 7)volcanic peaks. In the center of the country, however, is a long and 8)expansive river valley, a 500-mile 9)corridor occupied in the north by 10)vineyards and great farms and in the south by 11)primeval forests and enchanting lakes.   Chile is a country of 12)startling contrasts and extreme beauty, with attractions ranging from the 13)towering volcanic peaks of the Andes to the ancient forests of the Lake District, which is the homeland of Chile’s 14)indigenous people, the Araucanians注1. Chile is famous as the location of Terres del Paine注2, considered to be the finest nature travel destination in all of South America.   Known as the City of Eternal Spring,Arica is located at the northern tip of Chile on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. It is blessed with a mild, dry climate and waters are warm enough for swimming, making it a popular, year-round beach resort. Historically, Arica was an important trade center for prod


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