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3、在最终检验和试验合格后,对建筑产品采取防护措施。 3, after final inspection and testing qualified, to take protective measures of building products. 7 质量持续改进 7 quality continuous improvement 1、项目经理部对不合格的控制符合下列规定: 1, the control of unqualified project intends to comply with the following provisions: (1)按公司的不合格控制程序,控制不合格物资进入项目施工现场,严禁不合格工序未经处置转入下道工序。 (1) according to companys unqualified control program, control the unqualified goods into project construction site, it is strictly prohibited to unqualified process without disposal into next working procedure. (2)对验证中发现的不合格项,按鉴别→标识→记录→评价→隔离→处置的程序处理。 (2) to verify found unqualified item, according to identify to identify, record and evaluate to isolation, disposal procedures. (3)不合格处置根据不合格严重程度,按返工、返修或让步接受、降级使用、拒收或报废四种情况进行处理。 (3) the unqualified disposal of unqualified according to severity, according to the rework, repair or concessions to accept, degrade, rejected or scrap four cases for processing. (4)对返修或返工后的产品,重新进行检验和试验,并保存记录。 (4) the product after the repair or rework, inspection and test again, and save the record. (5)进行不合格让步接受时,项目经理部向发包人提出书面让步申请,记录不合格程度和返修的情况,双方签字确认让步接收协议和接受标准。 (5) for unqualified concession acceptance, the project intends to apply for concessions in writing to the developer, unqualified record degree and repair, the two sides sign concessions receiving agreement and acceptance criteria. (6)对影响建筑主体结构安全和使用功能的不合格,邀请发包人代表或监理工程师、设计人,共同确定处理方案,报建设主管部门批准。 (6) affecting the building main body structure safety and using function is unqualified, invite the employer representative or supervision engineer, designer, jointly determine the processing scheme, reported to the competent construction department for approval. 2、纠正措施符合下列规定: 2, correct measures to meet the following requirements: (1)对监理、设计及质量监督部门提出的质量问题,分析原因,制定纠正措施。 (1), design and quality supervision departments of supervision and management of the quality problem, analysis the reason, formulate corrective measures. (2)对检查发现的工程质量问题或不合格报告提及的问题,由项目技术负责人组织有关人员判定不合格程


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