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四川理工学院毕业设计(论文) 年产8000吨浓香型白酒厂全厂工艺初步设计 学 生:李雨键 学 号:11041060111 专 业:酿酒工程 班 级:2011级1班 指导教师:张静 四川理工学院生物工程学院 二O一五年六月 摘 要 白酒是世界七大蒸馏酒名酒之一,是纯天然的绿色食品,是中国特有的一种蒸馏酒。本次设计为年产1500吨浓香型白酒(大曲酒)发酵车间设计。主要包括全厂工艺论证、全厂物料衡算、全厂热量衡算、水平衡计算以及车间主要设备计算及附属设备的计算与选型、车间布置等及全厂布置。 浓香型大曲酒主要以以五谷、稻壳、水为主要原料,经窖池发酵甑桶蒸馏等酿制而成的高度白酒。浓香型大曲酒在整个酿造过程中,大体上可分为几个步骤:开窖起糟、续糟配料、蒸馏摘酒、出甑、打量水、摊晾、加曲入窖。其中蒸馏摘酒、加曲入窖是生产的重要环节。设计从实际生产出发,确定出年产8000吨浓香型大曲酒所需要的物料量,热量和发酵车间内的常用设备如甑桶、冷凝器、窖池、晾糟设备、酒醅出入窖运输设备等的主要尺寸、选型以及全厂的布置。 本次设计绘制图纸共4张,分别是全厂工艺流程方框图;发酵车间平面布置图;发酵车间立面图;全厂平面布置图。 关键字:大曲酒,固态发酵,浓香型 Abstract Liquor is one of the seven world famous distilled liquor, is a pure natural green food, is unique to China a distilled liquor.The design for the annual production capacity of 8000 tons of Luzhou flavor liquor fermentation workshop design.The design includes: the technology demonstration, the whole plant material balance, heat balance, the whole plant water balance calculation and calculation of main equipment and auxiliary equipment of workshop of the calculation and selection, workshop and the whole plantlayout drawings. Luzhou flavor Daqu liquor to corn, rice husk, water as the main raw materials,high liquor through the cellar fermentation barrel distillation brewed. Luzhou flavor Daqu liquor in the brewing process, generally can be divided into several steps: open pit play bad, bad, bad continued ingredients continued ingredients,packaging and finished beer beer. The wort preparation is an important link inproduction of beer, it contains the gelatinization, steamer, looked at water, airing,plus music into the cellar process. The design based on the actual production,the quantity of annual output of 8000 tons of Luzhou flavor Daqu liquorrequired, heat and fermentation workshop equipment such as barrel, condenser,pits, dry bad equipment, fermented grains and pit transportation equipment, main dimensions, selection and the plantlayout. The design draw drawing a total of four, namely, the process bloc


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