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中文题目:双鱼大桥设计 副 标 题:下部结构设计 外文题目:Damage analysis and seismic retrofitting of a continuous prestressed reinforced concrete bridge 毕业设计(论文)共144页 图纸共 13 张 完成日期 2015年6月5日 答辩日期2015年6月17日 摘要 本桥为钢筋混凝土预应力简支T型梁桥,先进行基础和下部设计,再进行桥面铺装设计,桥全长280m,设7跨,跨径40m,设计荷载为公路-Ⅱ级荷载,设计车速为V=80Km/h。本部分设计为该桥的下部结构设计,主要包括支座设计、盖梁设计、桥墩(桥台)设计、承台设计、桩基设计,该桥梁地处广东省广州市,是广州市绕城公路的重要组成部分,该桥建成之后,使全新通车成为了可能,为广州市的经济发展提供了自己应尽的贡献。 本桥设计初期,先是调阅该地段的气候、地质、水文等自然资料,并了解了当地的消费和出工情况,再查阅相应法律法规、计算方法、设计经验和原则,在此基础之上,结合目前的最新规定和当地资料,经过自己细心、认真、严谨的计算和复核而得出的。设计中所有参数、尺寸、形状、方法均是有法可依、有章可循、有例可鉴,体现出了设计的严肃性和规范性。 本设计中支座采用板式橡胶支座,桥墩采用的是双柱式钻孔灌注桩桥墩,承台采用T型承台,桥台采用墙式框架埋置式桥台。在计算中充分考虑了水平力、垂直力、制动力、土压力、地震力等可计算和估计出的力,为计算的准确性性提供了的保证。 在计算当中还采用了杠杆发、偏心压力法等现代新型计算方法,同时配用计算机和CAD等现代手段加以辅助计算,还参照了正规版的设计计算算例来帮助设计,并加以修正和复核。加大了设计的科学性。 关键词:桥梁;验算;设计;尺寸;规范 Abstract The bridge is reinforced prestressed concrete simply supported T beam bridge, the first base and the lower part of the design, in overseas pavement design, bridge a total length of 280m and seven cross, 40m span, load design for highway - grade II load, design speed for V=80Km/h. This part of the design for the design of the substructure of the bridge, including bearing design, beam design, bridge pier (abutment) design, platform design, pile foundation design, the bridge department, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, is an important part of Guangzhou citys beltway highway, after the completion of the bridge, new traffic as possible, provide what they ought to do contribution for the economic development of Guangzhou city. The initial design of the bridge, first access to the lot of the climate, geology, hydrology and other natural materials, and understand the local consumer and industry and trade, and then refer to the laws and regulations, calculation method, design experience and principles, on this basis, combined with the latest regulations and local data, after yourself carefully and seriously, rigorous calculated a


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