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笑死人的中式英语 1. So many people die, never see you die. 甘多人死,唔見你死。 2. You teach me how to come out and walk in the future? 你教我以後點出嚟行? 3. If… 2016年的寒假到来了,你有什么样的打算呢?我们知道生活中处处有数学,处处离不开数学,就让我们度过一个快乐的而又有意义的寒假吧!我们给你提供了可选择的几种数学实践作业,你可以选择感兴趣的选项完成你的数学实践作业,并把你的作品在开学时带回来,和大家交流… 四年级英语下册第十课闯关题 一、 判断所给单词划线部分读音是(√)否(×)一致。 ( )1.A headache B sweater C eat ( )2.A thirsty B south C north ( )3.A ride B right … 1. So many people die, never see you die. 甘多人死,唔見你死。 2. You teach me how to come out and walk in the future? 你教我以後點出嚟行? 3. If you have enough ginger, put your horse to me. 如果你夠姜既話就放馬過嚟。 4. “I saw a pork chop”. 我見到件豬扒啊。 5. Are you road? 6. What the water are you? 7. Do you big me? 8. Zebra chops people. 9. The king of the cutting girl. 10. Cut my head and let you sit on it as a chair. 11. Do you think me didn’t arrive? 12. You have seed, I will give you some colour to see, brothers, together up. 13. Today I was very black son. 14. I am wearing grass. 16. Two beat six. 17. Two five son. 18. Piano piano green. 19. I give you some colour to see see. 20. Stupid stupid want to move. 21. People mountain people sea. 22. How senior are you? 你係咪路啊? 你係乜水啊? 你大我啊? 班馬劈友。 界女王。 批我個頭俾你當凳坐。 你當我無到? 你有種,我會俾D顏色你睇,兄弟,同我一齊上! 今日我好黑仔。 我著緊草。 二打六。 二五仔。 琴琴青。 我俾D顏色你睇睇! 蠢蠢欲動。 人山人海。 你算老幾? 23. What the ghost are you talk? 你講乜鬼? 24. I fear that you have teeth! 我驚你有牙! 25. Heart flower angry open. 心花怒放。 26. Fish skin 魚皮 27. Monster of blowing water. 吹水怪。 28. Face green green 面青青 29. You see road carefully. 你小心睇路。 30. You go to street carefully. 你出街小心D。 31. Do the world. 做世界。 32. Big tea rice 大茶飯 33. American chinese not enough. 美中不足。 34. King eight egg 王八蛋 35. High hand 高手 36. DO YOU Old dot ME? 你老點我呀? 37. One old water 一舊水 38. I know your mouse! 我識你老鼠! 39. Measure water/Pound water. 磅水 40. A dragon service 一條龍服務 41. Pump water 抽水 42. I blow chicken to beat your group of the guys. 我吹雞打你班友。 43. You jump building. 你跳樓啦。 44. You come


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