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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福作文提分万能例子:一切有关于艺术 1.创新 Marcel Duchamp 先是 马塞尔 杜尚,这是现代艺术史中的传奇人物,创意百出,信马由缰,最出名的乱搞是在摊上买了一个尿池,命名为《泉》,拿到艺术馆展出。杜尚家底十分殷实,是少有的走在时代尖端而不用忍受贫穷的艺术家。他涉及的艺术领域极其广泛,可以看作近代艺术里的达芬奇。 他的例子几乎可以用到所有跟艺术相关的题目,其他类的部分题目也可以用(比如创新,outsider什么的—用来做补充:不需要是外来者,只要保持观念开放依然可以成就breakingthrough的achievement) 背景:French-born American artist (though he always denied being “an artist”) His works had a major impact to the direction of 20 century art. All his life, he changed the form of art as well as himself. He introduced the European movement Cubism(立体主义) and dada(达达主义) to United States, and was influential in surrealist(超现实主义,很有名的达利就是搞这个的) movement. 此外他还和installation art(装置艺术), concept art(概念艺术)这些现在很火的艺术形式有关 泉的例子:Fountain, an ordinary, mass-produced urinal that has been transformed into a work of art simply by being exhibited in a gallery and receiving a new title. 他说过一句话,Art may be bad, good or indifferent, but, whatever adjective is used, we must call it art, and bad art is still art in the same way as a bad emotion is still an emotion. 可以用来扩展解释他思想的开放,同时把art和形容词换掉也是很好的 辨证类型的 GRE句子 2.现实对艺术的影响 Dada 前面说到的达达主义。因为跟社会、战争联系很紧密,所以拿出来讲: DADA是一战以后欧洲的诗人画家搞的,因为战争的残酷让他们意识到之前的那些形而上的出世的艺术很没意义,有一部分就开始搞更没有意义的DADA(汗~~~事实就是这样Di) The slaughter of World War I affected artists in different ways. Some felt, as Mondrian did, that human betterment lay in the creation of an impersonal, mechanistic way of life. Still others concluded that the very idea of human betterment was a pointless illusion. For this group, the main lesson of the war, if anything, was the bankruptcy of reason, politics, technology, and even art itself. On this premise, several artists and poets founded a movement whose name, dada, was purposely meaningless, and whose members ridiculed anything having to do with culture, politics, or aesthetics 再补充一个现实跟艺术相连的,名气大一点,老朋友Picasso,不过是以作品为突破口,应该不会那么多雷同 Guernica(就是一副长的、上面都是牛头马面的画,Guernica是西班牙北部的小镇,德国人把那炸了,毕加索听到后悲愤丛生,就画了它) 《Guernica》 The painting’s co


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