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小对话10大场景场景词 1.学习 A.人 a. Student学生 本科生 undergraduate freshman 大一 sophomore大二 junior 大三 senior 大四 研究生 postgraduate/ graduate student graduate v. b. teacher老师 教授professor 导师tutor\supervisor 讲师,演讲者lecturer 院长 dean the dean of foreign language institute 校长 president(区别headmaster) 全体教职员工faculty B课程 course class eg. This term I chose the course of American literature, but I didn’t attend that class this week. seminar 讨论课(研究生) briefing 概述、短课 初级课程 introductory course 高级课程 advanced course 必修课: required/compulsory course 选修课:selective course / elective course /optional course 讲座:lecture 做讲座 give a lecture 听讲座 attend a lecture 选课:take\ sign up for\register for 退课:quit\drop the course 上课:go to\attend a course 逃课:skip the course 旷课:truancy a.课程意外(上课推迟或者取消) 推迟: delay、 postpone、 put off 取消: cancel、call off b.课程评价 赞同: agree、think much of、make a lot of sense 否定:disagree、nonsense C作业 作业 homework、schoolwork 、 assignment 、project 书单 reading list 读书报告 book report 课堂发言展示 presentation 小论文 essay 学期论文 term\semester paper 大论文、毕业论文 thesis 论文要求:requirement (长度length 主题 theme 格式 format) 开题报告proposal 实验 experiment a. Preparation collect data\information( library、internet) 搜集资料 do research b. Draft 写作业是一个很困难的过程 The man thinks the essay is easy.× 难:have a hard time with have a difficulty with have a trouble with It is a real challenge. get nowhere with it 寸步难行 be all at sea 茫然 can’t make heads and tales of it 理不清头绪 解决:Ⅰ熬夜 stay up late stay up the whole night have a sleepless night I’ve been working around the clock burn the midnight oil day in and day out I’ve been working thirty-six hours a day. Ⅱ合作 cooperate work together put our heads together join our feet together 两个学生出现分歧矛盾时一定是中庸之道,互相妥协 √come to a compromise、 win-win situation × stick to his original plan、proceed in his own way c交作业 hand in turn in submit deadline 截止日期 meet the ~ 赶上截止日期 the ~ is drawing nearer截止日期临近 the proposal is due 提交作业时间已到期 apply for


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