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怎样用英语描述人 Appearance ?长相:handsome, good-looking, athletic, muscular, fat, overweight, pretty, beautiful, good-looking, attractive, plain,slim, plump, thin, skinny ?头发:short hair, medium length hair, long hair, long wavy dark hair, long and straight hair, short and curly hair. 辫子:pigtail, 波浪发:curly hair, 卷发:wavy hair, 直发:straight hair, 短而直的头发:spiky hair; 脸型:He has got a baby face/ chubby face/ round face/ an intelligent face. She has a slim/ plump/ face. 前额:His forehead is high/ broad/rounded/ low/ flat/ narrow/ perfect. 眼睛:Her eyes are big/ bright/ dark/ warm/ attractive/ intelligent. 鼻子:He has a snub/ sharp/ straight/ hooked nose and a square chin. 脸部其他特征:beard下巴上的胡子, moustache 上唇的胡子, clean-shaven胡子刮得很干净的。 眼镜:glasses,spectacles, lens. 酒窝:dimple, 疤痕:scar. 体形:tall 高,high 高, short 矮, small 矮小的,fat 胖, ?????????stout 肥胖的,stocky 粗壮的,medium-built 中等身材的, ? slim 瘦的, thin 瘦的,slender 苗条的,瘦长的, ? She/He’s tall / short / of medium height/ of average height/ about 5 feet tall. He has fine/ strong/ sharp/ regular features. 年龄:She’s in her / his mid-40s. / She is between 25 and 30 years old. ????????? She’s at least 30 years old. / She’s 40 at the most. 服装 S/he’s very well-dressed. He is dressed in a light brown suit and a red tie. She looks very smart in a pale gray dress. S/he always wears casual clothes like jeans and T-shirt. 性格 Positive(正面的): confident(自信的), modest(谦虚的), brave, kind, friendly, generous(大方的), honest, independent(独立的), reliable(可信赖的), patient, outgoing(外向的), sensitive(敏感的), decisive(果断的), ambitious(有野心的), punctual(守时的), sociable(善于社交的,合群的), easygoing(好相处的), gentle, thoughtful(善解人意的), understanding, optimistic(乐观的), frank(坦率的), childish(孩子气的),diligent (学习刻苦的) Negative (负面的): big-headed(自命不凡的), bad-tempered, boring, bossy, dull, dishonest, envious, fussy(挑剔的), impatient, jealous, lazy, rude, mean(小气的), selfish, shy, stubborn, careless, greedy , pessimistic , aggressive , cruel 补充: She’s very charming. 她很迷人。 You’re


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