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One minute she burst into___ and the next burst out ____. We just couldn’t catch her mood at any minute. crying; laughter B. tears; laughing C. tears; laughter D. crying; laughing 顺口溜:规则的撒谎,不规则的躺,躺过就下蛋,下蛋不规则. The dictionary still ____ (lie) where I ____ (lay) it a moment ago. e.g. Tina ___ under the tree ___to her mother that a cock ____ eggs. A. lying; lied; lay B. lain; lied; laid C. lying; lied; laid D. lain; lied; lay Have you heard it? At least 102 people were killed, 22 ___ and 13 in the terrible earthquake. injuring; trapping injured; trapped C. injured; trapping D. injuring; trapping ________deep down in the earth,the dead forests rotted away and became coal. A.Burying B.Buried C.To bury D.Having buried __________in his work,he didn’t notice me enter the room. A. Having buried B. Buried C. Burying D. Being buried More than twenty miners were reported to be ________ alive when the tunnel fell in. A.buried B.damaged C.expressed D.frightened (6) I can’t judge whether he is right or wrong. (7) Judging from his expression,he was satisfied with my work. (8) As far as I can judge,it is he rather than you is to blame. (9) In my judgement,it is necessary to pay him a visit. ________to be the best student,Lucy received a scholarship,which made her parents very delighted and satisfied. A.Judging B.Judged C.To judge D.Being judged I haven’t read all of his books before,but ________from the one I have read,I think he’s a very promising writer. A.judged B.judging C.determining D.determined 6. think little/ nothing of 以为……没什么了不起;轻视;忽视 think much/ highly/ well of 重视;看中;对……高度评价 think poorly/ badly/ little/ nothing of be well/ highly thought of 被……高度评价 think twice about sth./doing sth. 三思而后行 speak well/ ill of 说……的好/ 坏话 e.g., He is _______________________(得到好评) by his employees. He _______________________(不重视)what I said. 7. at an end (1) Be patient, his speech will be at an en


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