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* Chinese Shipyard 中国船厂 Korean Shipyard 韩国船厂 17. Scrap Rubbish 废料垃圾 Waste time for sorting craps for “recyclable scrap” and Rubbish, etc. ( insufficient scrap baskets) 分拣出废料做再循环利用和垃圾、等,浪费时间(废料框不够充分) Solution 解决措施 Scraps and Rubbishes (Combustible and incombustible) are separately collected upon the time they are generated 废料和垃圾(可燃烧的和不可燃烧的)在被产生之时就要开始单独进行收集 Chinese Shipyard 中国船厂 Korean Shipyard 韩国船厂 18. Paint Block – What Happened with Concrete Block 涂装和分段 – 对水泥墩块而言发生了什么变化 由于分段和木头(水泥)墩单独移动转运,从而损失了时间。同时,由于频繁转运的分段和木头墩,造成了大量的油漆损坏而必须重新涂装(分段频繁转运是为了提高涂装厂房的利用率) Solution 解决措施 Recommend to use “Trestle” for block transport hence the Blocks and Trestles (as supports) are moved at same time – Less damage, save times and Paint materials 建议使用托架来完成分段的转运,这样一来,分段和托架就是同时移动---减少了油漆损坏,节省了时间,节省了涂装材料 Chinese Shipyard 中国船厂 Korean Shipyard 韩国船厂 机舱分段在正转位置(分段总组和安装设备之后,设备防护,涂装) 19. Engine Room Bottom Block 机舱底部分段 Time loss due to Twice (2 times) turn-over 由于两次翻身,损失了时间 2. M/H loss for firing damage after painting 由于涂装之后动火工作的烧损,损失了工时 3. M/H loss on Scaffolding 在脚手架上损失了工时 Solution 解决措施 Need Consultation 需要咨询/顾问 Chinese Shipyard 中国船厂 Korean Shipyard 韩国船厂 20. Relationship between Design and Pre-outfitting Practice 设计和预舾装的做法之间的关系 Loss time due to fairing and damage repair after painting due to outfitting work carried out after painting 由于在涂装之后进行舾装工作,火工矫正工作和油漆损坏修理工作损失了时间 2. Project delays due to outfitting works at dock and after launching 由于在坞内和水上进行舾装工作,使项目延期 Solution 解决措施 Recommend to move the Block after completion of the Outfitting works into Painting shop (Need to find Experts and set up the System) 建议在舾装工作完成之后将分段转运到涂装厂房。(要找专家并建立体系) Chinese Shipyard 中国船厂 Korean Shipyard 韩国船厂 21. Long-time Delayed at PE Site 在总组现场,长时间的延期 1. 分段的等待周期使进度延期(大约45天)安装管子、安装电缆托架、安装风道、等 2. Low “working-area” efficiency 工作区域的利用率低 3. Low efficiency of trestle supporters 托架支撑的利用率低 Solution 解决措施 Increase pre-outfitting at Block Stage (Nee


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