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本科生专业文献综述 题 目: 公司法人人格否认的研究综述 姓 名: 周宏磊 学 院: 人文社会科学学院 专 业: 法学 班 级: 法学51班 学 号: 2265117 指导教师: 尹雪英 职称: 讲师 2008年06月20日 南京农业大学教务处制 公司法人人格否认问题的研究综述 法学专业学生: 周宏磊 指导教师: 尹雪英 摘要:公司人格否认是在英美国家的司法实践中发展起来的判例规则。其后,该制度被大陆法系的德、日等国的司法实践所继受。时至今日,公司人格否认制度已为两大法系所共同认可,并适用于各国的司法实践,有效地维持和推动了公司制度的健康发展。自19世纪公司有限责任制产生并确立以来,公司有限责任制爆发出巨大的能量,在此基础上建立的公司法人人格制度,在全球范围内得到蓬勃发展。我国也在2005年新修订的《公司法》中规定了公司法人人格否认制度。本文从公司法人人格否认制度的含义、产生、特征、适用情形等方面对学术界目前的观点和看法进行总结。期望能给正在学习或者研究公司法人人格否认制度的学者提供些许便利。 关键词:法人人格否认;有限责任;股东;适用情形;综述 Summary of Research on Disregard of Corporate Personality Student majoring in Law: Zhou Honglei Tutor: Yin Xueying Abstract:Disregard of corporate personality is the rule of prejudcation that have been developed from the judicial practice of English countries. Later, this system has been accepted by the judicial practice of civil law system countries, such as Germany and Japan. Nowadays, disregard of corporate personality have been recognized by two western law systems, and used in the judicial practice of many countries. This system maintains and drives the institutional development of corporation effectively. From its emergence and establishment, limited liability shows great energy. The system of corporation juristic personality, based on limited liability, rapidly developed in the world .China is also in 2005 the newly revised Company Law in the provisions of the corporate veil system. This article from the corporate personality that the meaning of the system, produce, features, where applicable, and other aspects of the academic community views the current views and take stock. Expectations are learning or study will give corporate personality that the system provide some scholars convenience. Key words: Disregard of corporate Person



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