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Pork Sugar 糖,食糖 Cinnamon n.[植物]肉桂, 桂皮, 肉桂色 Ceylon cinnamon 锡兰肉桂, 锡兰桂皮 wild cinnamon 【植】野月桂 Spices n. 香料, 调味品 香气, 香味 情趣, 趣[风]味, 刺激 too much spice in the cake 糕饼中香料太多 a story that lacks spice 乏味的故事 spice of life 生活的情趣, 风味 a spice of humour 幽默的意味 Pepper is one of my favorite spices. 胡椒是我所喜爱的一种调味品。 He is bored and needs a little spice in his life. 他对生活感到厌倦, 需要点刺激。 Wine n. 酒(尤指葡萄酒;果子酒;药酒) 使人振作[沉醉]的东西 a barrel [bottle, glass] of wine 一桶[瓶,杯]葡萄酒 green wine 新酒 maotai wine 茅台酒 strong wine 烈酒 glutinous rice wine 糯米酒, 黄酒 Shao-Hsing rice wine 绍兴酒, 绍兴糯米黄酒 vi. 饮酒 adj. 深红色的 wine acid 【化】酒石酸 Good wine needs no bush. [谚]酒好客自来; 货好不用广告。 in wine 醉醺醺地, 有酒意 new wine in old bottles 旧瓶装新酒,旧形式适应不了新内容 take wine with sb. 和某人举杯互相祝酒 When wine is in, wit[truth] is out. [谚]酒醉智昏。 wine and dine 以好酒好菜款待 Celery n. [植]旱芹, 芹菜 wild celery 【药】独活 mustard celery 芥末和芹菜子粉的混合粉 Cranberries n. 【植】酸果蔓(属); 酸果蔓的果实 European cranberry 酸果蔓 cranberry bush[tree] 【植】蔓越桔 cranberry glass 带青紫色的透明红玻璃 vi. 采蔓越桔 Onions n. 圆葱(头);【植】葱属植物 [美俚]头, 脑袋; 脸; 棒球 [美俚]人, 家伙; 讨人喜欢的人 [美俚]一元钱 [美俚](西大西洋)百慕大岛本地 He is a tough onion. 他是一条硬汉。 vt. 用圆葱擦(眼睛)使流泪 adj. 象洋葱的; 含圆葱的; 用圆葱烹调的 good onion [美俚]讨人喜欢的人, 好小伙子 know ones onions [俚]精明强干, 非常熟悉自己的业务 off ones onion [俚]精神失常 Bread n. 面包 食物, 食粮; [喻]生计 (圣餐式上的)一块[份]面包 [美俚]钱 垫, 底座; 平面 a piece[loaf, slice]of bread 一块面包 toasted bread 烤面包 the bread of life 活命粮 He earns his bread by writing. 他以写作为生。 vt. 在...上洒面包粉 adj. 实用的; 生计的, 为糊口的 (表示)感激款待的 [口]青年的 生活必需的 All bread is not baked in one oven. [谚]人各不同, 不可强求一致。 As I live by bread! [口]一点不假! ask for bread and be given a stone 求怜悯却遇到铁石心肠 beg ones bread 讨饭, 行乞 break bread [古]进餐;【宗】进圣餐 break bread with sb. 与某人共餐; 受到某人的款待; 与某人共用圣餐 butter ones bread on both sides (=have ones bread buttered on both sides) 走运; 左右逢源, 同时收双方之利 By bread and salt! [废]我敢发誓! cast ones bread upon the water(s) 不图报答地行善 daily bread 生计, 必不可少的粮食 earn ones bread 谋生, 赚钱糊口 eat the bread of affliction 遭受痛苦[折磨] eat the bread of idleness 游手好闲; 不劳而食 Gods bread ! [废]我的天啊!好家伙!糟糕! ods


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