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Unit one recreation and sports Lesson One fill in the blank with the proper words. I like sports a lot, so I take an a_____part in it. Tom s______ two hours playing tennis with his friends every week. may classmates are i______in sports. I like p_____playing basketball. do you e____playing basketball? 将下列词组翻译成英文 积极参加 _______________ 2、一周两次__________________ 3、喜欢打羽毛球 ____________ 4、过得愉快___________________ 5、难怪,不足为奇加 __________6、在校足球队________________ 7、对。感兴趣 ________________8、不但 而且_________________ 9、在小学 _______________ 10、去游泳___________________ 11、打桥牌 ________12、看上去像个运动员_________________ 13、在课间休息时间_____________________ 用括号中所给的单词的适当形式填空。 My father used to go______,but now he likes bowling.(jog) We had a______time at the party.(wonder) I read an _____book in the library just now, I am ____in it(interest) They enjoyed _______at Christmas party.(they) He liked_____class before.(play) My brother often_____(watch)Tv in the evening,But last night he ______(not watch) TV. It’s nine o’clock,the children___________(have)an art class. I’d like ______(buy) a pair of shoes. He ______(begin)to learn English at the age of five. No wonder they look like ________(sportman) These bananas are form______(british) 按要求改写句子。 they meet each other once a month(划线提问) 2、jack likes taking part in football matches.(保持句意不变) Jack likes______ _______ football matches. 3、it took me an hour to get to school on foot. (保持句意不变) I _______an hour _____to school on foot. 4、My cousin looks like a sportman. (划线提问) ______ _____ your cousin look? 5、he takes an active part in sports(保持句意不变) He ______ _______ in sports. 6、Joan likes golfing, Ray likes golfing,too,(两句合为一句) ————Joan_____Ray like golfing. 选词填空。 ( )it takes______time to get there by ship. A.many B.much C.a lot D.a few ( )Lihui spent a lot of time________ A.swim B.to swim C.swimming D.swims ( )Linda was ____the school volleyball team at primary school. A.on B.with C.of D.at ( )My brother is ___unive


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