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作文小马生活习惯150字 精选作文:一匹劳累的小马(350字)作文 面对着现在越来越多的寒暑假作业,和扑面而来的寒假补习,让我感觉我就是一匹劳累的小马,没有自由,也没有活动的空间。我感觉我好累,可老师和家长以为了我好为由又让我抬起那我几乎抬不动的包袱。 每每望着那堆积如山的作业,望着那所为的学海无崖。就想套用以前网络用语:学海无崖,回头是岸。 每当我们埋首在书山书海之间马上要游上岸时又被一阵浪给拍了回去。 我喜欢读书,可我不喜欢被别人强迫着读书,因为那样便缺少了读书的乐趣。 我就如一匹已经十分劳累的小马,可又被那些人赶着上路。 我讨厌这种感觉,我不想做一匹没有精神无精打采的劳累小马,我想做一匹开开心心无忧无虑的快活小马,我讨厌被名叫作业的绳索所束缚。六年级:月玲珑 篇一:小马作文 1 do you agree or disagree with the following statement? the best way to reduce air pollution is for the government to raise the cost of fuel (petrol). 2. 在家工作好,还是 篇二:独立作文-小马 1, 住城市还是农村更好的照顾家人? 2, spending money on traveling amp;vacation vs. saving for future 3, to improve the quality of education, university should spend more on salary for university professor 4, the advices from our grandparents have no use for their grandchildren because the sorld changed a lot during the past 50 years 5, do you agree or disagree with the following statement? it is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the lost of old friends 6, do you agree or disagree with the following statement? if you n eed to discuss upsetting or controversial problems with others, using e-mail/text messaging is better than using telephone/voice-message past? 8, colleges or universities should offer more courses to prepare students for the future vefore they start working 9, rather than help their children do school work, parents should encourage their children do work independently. do you agree or disagree? 10, 你觉得完全做完一个project 再开始做另一个project比较好,还是同事进行2个或 更多的projects? 11, 12, can two people be good friends if one people has more money than the other do you agree with this statement: it is more enjoyable to have a job, and you work only three days a week with long hours rather than work five days a week with shorter hours. 13, some people say we should never be impolite to another person 14, 人们工作是为了赚钱还是为了社会地位 篇三:马的作文 在我的心目中,马是种既勤劳又温顺的动物。它能帮我们做的事有很多,比如:耕地、拉车等等。马已经成为了我们人类的好朋友了。那未来的马会是什么样的呢?让我们一起大胆的设想吧! 未来的


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