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名词的运用 望谟民族中学 胡兴贵 Welcome to our class! 一、阵前练兵(看高考考什么?怎么考?) 1. Poetry written from the   of the urban youth tends to reveal their anxiety over a lack of sense of belonging. A. perspective      B. priority C. participation D. privilege 一)选择填空 A 【解析】选A。句意: 从城市青年的角度写的诗歌往往揭示他们缺乏归属感的焦虑。A项“角度”; B项“优先考虑的事”; C项“参加”; D项“特权”。根据句意可知选A项。 二)语法填空 We should bear our (responsible) and try our best to develop our learning (skill) and everyone must develop habit(concept) . responsibility skills a 三)改错 There are a lot of informations in the passage. 四)翻译:我们是学生,应该掌握必备的知识。 We are students and weshould have necessary knowledge. 更正:There is a lot of information in the passage. 结论: 名词的运用所涉及的题型有: 完形填空;语法填空;改错;书面表达 名词的运用包含两方面内容: 一,名词的识记与辨认(要能辨认出是可数或不可数名词) 二,名词的运用:要把握:1.搭配特点 2.词形变化3.主谓一致等因素) 巩固练习题: 一、填空 2, His (express) shows that he is satisfied. 3,We should sweep our (dirt) in our heart regularly. 4,I sent her a present to show her my (appreciate). 5,The (similar)between the two reports suggests that one coin has two (side). expression dirt appreciation similarity sides 二,改错 1,There is many rubbish in our classroom. 2, They got some informations about this project. 3, A father should support the whole familly. 5, Yesterday we had delicious dinner in a resteraunt. 6, Your knowledges of Greece can help the whole class. — much ------ information \ ^ a -------- knowledge Homework: 1.Please revise the contents about the noun. 2.Finish the exercises given . That’s all for this lesson ! Thanks for your listening ! 附:一,名词的识记与辨认: 一),不可数名词:表抽象概念或物质(即无固定形状或大小不一的事物)的名词,就是不可数名词:一般无复数形式,作主语时通常看成是单数。 (指“人/事/物”其具备“样子或大小不恒定”的特性)它包括: ①抽象名词(表示状态、行为、情感等抽象概念的名词)如:quality, advice, agriculture, anger, arrival, attention, astonishment, beauty, courag


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