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成都理工大学中水工程方案设计 作者姓名:邵 俊 学 号:200303020106 专 业:环境工程(水污染控制方向) 指导教师:刘清华 【摘要】本设计以成都理工大学生活污水为主要水源,设计中水回用系统的主要处理流程。在采样分析和估算水量的基础上,比较了现有的多种中水回用工艺,最终确定了以膜生物反应器(MBR) Design of the engineering project for Reclaimed Water System of Chengdu University of Technology Name:Jun Shao Student No.:200303020106 Major:Environmental Engineering(Water pollution control) Supervisor: Liu Qinghua Abstract: A main treatment flow of the reclaimed water system will be designed in this dissertation. The reclaimed water system selects the wastewater flew-down from the dormitories of Chengdu University of Technology as raw-water of reclaimed water. After analysing the raw water and investigating the wastewater-producting, a treatment flow has been designed based on comparing current reclaimed water treatment methods. The flow designed chooses the membrane bioreactor(MBR) as the main treatment technology . The article designs and calculates the parameters about the structures and the equipments in the treatment. The results of calculations and analysis on Reclaimed Water treatment technology indicates that the treated water can achieve the relevant standards. By analyzing the handling costs, it is proved that the treatment flow is logical and also possible to be put in practiced. Keywords: Wastewater;Reclaimed water;Reclaimed water system; Membrane bioreactor 目 录 第1章 前 言 1 1.1本课题的选题背景 1 1.2本课题的意义 1 1.3本人工作量 1 第2章 中水概述 2 2.1 中水概念 2 2.2 中水用途 2 2.3 中水系统组成 2 2.4中水的水质要求 3 2.5 中水回用情况 3 2.5.1 国外中水回用情况 3 2.5.2 我国中水回用情况 3 第3章 设计项目概述 5 3.1 成都理工大学校园生活污水处理现状 5 3.2设计项目中水水源 5 3.3 中水处理目标及标准 5 3.4 设计依据 5 3.5 设计原则 6 3.6 设计范围 6 第4章 方案选择及论证 8 4.1中水回用处理的基本方法 8 4.2中水回用处理工艺概述 8 4.1.1 以优质杂排水为原水的中水工艺 8 4.1.2 以生活污水为原水的中水工艺 11 4.3 方案比较 14 4.4 方案论证 15 第5章 设计计算 17 5.1 原水水质 17 5.2 水量计算 17 5.2.1回用水需求量 18 5.2.2 水量校核 19 5.3 构筑物设计计算 19 5.3.1 格栅设计计算 19 5.3.2 调节池设计计算 22 5.3.3 沉砂池设计计算 23 5.3.4膜生物(MBR)反应池设计计算 24 5.3.5 消毒池设计计算 34 5.3.6 回用水池设



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