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摘要 当今随着计算机技术的快速发展,计算机技术的应用在各行各业的越来越多,网络化也是计算机技术的趋势。很多人都在用电脑工作或者学习,人们也期待着能在网上找到自己所喜欢的书籍。所以,将计算机技术与图书馆相结合,建立一个网上图书馆公共检索系统在是很必要的,是紧随当今时代发展的产物。该系统是一个基于Web的B/S体系结构的MVC模式的网上图书馆公共检索系统。本系统是利用MVC设计模式分离了数据的控制层和数据的表示层; 利用Struts(基于J2EE的平台)来实现MVC设计模式的成熟框架,它全面减轻了构建多层Web应用的负担,提供了可复用的软件架构。本文描述了基于Struts框架的网上图书馆公共检索系统的设计与实现,本系统主要包括管理员模块和用户模块两大模块的设计。用户系统主要包括图书信息的检索,图书借阅与归还,读者信息的修改,查看图书借阅排行榜,查看读者借阅排行榜等功能模块。管理员模块主要包括管理员权限的设置,图书的录入与删除,读者的录入与删除,图书借阅到期提醒等功能模块。该系统主要式使读者能够快捷、方便的查询图书的信息。 关键词:MVC;Struts; ABSTRACT Now,With the computer technology rapid development, the computer technology is more and more application in all the various trades and occupations, the network is the tendencies of computer technology . Most people work and study in internet. They hope that they can look for book in internet. So, unifies the computer technology and the library, the library public retrieval system establishes on the net that is very essential, follows closely the present era development product. This system is the library public retrieval system that one based on Web B/S on the architecture MVC pattern network. The system use MVC design pattern has separated key-course and expression level of the data, has the obvious superiority in the realization multi-layer Web application system; and use struts(bases on the J2EE platform) realizes the MVC design pattern, it comprehensively lights the construction multi-layer Web application burden, provides the multiplying software construction. This article elaborated the design realization of the library public retrieval system based in the Struts frame net, this system mainly includes the manager module and the user module action that is two module designs. The user system is mainly includes by the books information the retrieval, books borrowing and saving, the reader information revision, the rank of the books borrowing and the rank of the readers borrowing. The manager system is mainly includes by function modules. For example, the manager jurisdictio


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