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判断下划线部分在句中的成分。 (1) This is an interesting book. ( ) (2) Seeing the teacher entering the room, the students stood up. ( ) (3) I saw the boy walking on the stree yesterday. ( ) (4) Playing football is his favotire sport. ( ) (5) I didn’t stop working last night. ( ) (6) My work is teaching English. ( ) (7) . To learn a foreign language is difficult. (_____) (8). His wish is to be a driver. (______) (9). Tom wanted to have a cup of beer. (______) (10). The teacher told us to do morning exercises. (_____) (11). The letter to be posted is very important. (______) (12). He study harder to make greater progress. (____) (13) He is a person loved and respected by all people. ( ) (14) The children are very excited about going to the zoo. ( ) (15) Yesterday I had my hair cut. ( ) (16) Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days. ( ) The lady speaking to us is our English. The boy questioned by the teacher is our classmate. The task to be finished is very difficult. Seeing the teacher entering the room, the students stood up. Scolded his parent, the girl felt very sad. To get a good result in the exam, we must study hard. 非谓语动词的三种形式 动词ing:表示____ ____ 动词过去分词:表示____ ____ 动词不定式:表示____ ____ 例句: To complete the program needs much effort. 完成这项计划需要很大的努力。 Riding a bike can make a man smart. 骑单车能使一个人敏捷。 Climbing mountain is my favorite sport. To climb the mountain took us more 3 hours. It is no good doing… It is useless / no use doing… It is worthwhile doing… 例句: It is __ ___ _____over spilt milk . 为洒了的牛奶哭泣是没用的。 Its __ _____ _______for something to turn up. 守株待兔是不好的。 练习吧 1. It is no use ________ (think) about it now. 2. It is useless ____________ (complain) without taking action. 3. It is worthwhile ________ (read) the book. 4. It is no good _______


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