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我和动物的一天英语作文例文   导语:动物的世界跟人的世界不一样,动物的世界总是慢吞吞的,十分惬意舒适的,下面小编为大家准备了描写小动物的英语作文!欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!   描写小动物的英语作文作文:   In the morning, as soon as I open my eyes I asked my mother didn’t rain. Mother said: “get up, miss guo sent SMS, school here as usual.” I quickly wear good clothes to the school, the class at the teacher lead down to a wildlife park in changsha city.   The autumn sunshine, we this group of guests don’t seem to bother the animals in the mood. They are scattered in the sun, let us review the first product to them.   The lion tiger hill, two little tiger in a fight, a fierce big tiger just doing whatever it subjects, with the pace of calmly walked up and down, show the majestic demeanor.   Huaguo mountain at the foot of, many, many monkeys swinging on a stick. A fox monkey island by the side of the mountain, many lemurs in playing. Their tail is very long, black and white alternate with a section of the section, draw the same with books.   The elephants elephants square is our favorite show. Acting ate pumpkin, elephants eat with relish, cast up the basket to in, really bad.   Gold at crawling, pythons yellow-and-white, bright like a lollipop, five meters long. I saw a striped turtle slowly climb, turtle shell, there are many round spots. Next to a long, two meters giant lizard doesn’t seem to know that we are visiting them, stout body motionless, spit tongue for us to attract the practice of it, did not respond.   After visiting the all of the animals, I had a sudden grew up going to the primeval forest adventure, take a look at these interesting animal is how the idea of the freedom of life. I also want to, we have to protect the environment, make the life of the animals have more green. Mother listen to me, smiled and said, “do you have a lot of harvest in this autumn!   参考翻译:   早晨,我一睁开眼睛就问妈妈下雨没。妈妈说:“快起床,郭老师发来短信,学校秋游照常进行。”我赶紧穿好衣服直奔学校,全班同学在老师的带领下来到长沙市野生动物园。   秋日的阳光下,我们这群客人似乎打扰不了动物们的心情。它们在闲散地晒着太阳,任由我们对他们评头品足。   狮虎山上,两只小老虎在打架,一只凶猛的大老虎才不管它的臣民在干什么,


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