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摘要 从20世纪60年代起,一种被称为“LED”的发光二极管被创造出来,并用于商用。直到今天,它已经不能称为新型的信息显示媒体了。而在80年代,它的迅速发展不仅带动了全球的科技事业的进步,更加牵动了许多商家的心。LED(Light Emitting Diode)的诸多特点,如:亮度高、视角大等,使其成为一种“明星产品”。在2008年的北京奥运会上,LED提示屏获得了宽泛的使用。在之后2010年的上海世博会的开幕式场外,主办方为全球人民展示了世界最大的LED提示屏。当前,LED提示屏已经到处可见。 本设计主要为智能小区LED提示屏的硬件设计。所设计的LED提示屏是基于单片机控制的,较为简单的、普遍的LED提示屏。它以STM32单片机作为主控芯片,通过PC机进行控制其亮灭从而控制其点阵显示模块。设计的LED提示屏应用非常宽泛,可用于商业宣传、文字公告等。LED提示屏在未来还有很大的发展空间,在基础的设计之上,一定会有更多更好的产品将因此诞生。 关键词 发光二极管;STM32单片机;LED提示屏;PC机;控制 Abstract From twentieth Century since 60, known as a light emitting diode LED is created, and used for commercial. Until today, it has not called new media, the information is displayed. In 80 years, its rapid development has not only made the global science and technology progress, more affects many of the merchants heart. LED (Light Emitting Diode)s many other features, such as: high brightness, large view angle, make it become a star product. In the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the LED screen to receive wide use. After the 2010 Shanghai World Expo opening ceremony of the court, the organizers of the worlds people show the worlds largest LED display. At present, LED screen has seen everywhere. This design is intelligent community LED display hardware design. The design is based on single-chip LED display control, relatively simple, universal LED display. It takes STM32 microcontroller as the main control chip, which is controlled by a PC in order to control their blinking dot matrix display module. Designed LED display is widely used, can be used for commercial advertising, text announcements. The LED screen in the future there is great room for development, on the basis of design, there will be more and better products will be born. Key words Light-emitting diode; STM32 microcontroller; LED display; PC machine; control 前言 LED提示屏是操纵发光二极管点阵或像素单元为显示元件,经由控制半导体二极管的亮灭为体现形式,集于当今电子技术于一体的显示屏幕。LED提示屏行业在近几年迅速发展,无论是日常生活中,还是工业现场,都随处可见。其各种各样的型号与规格,大大的提高了消费者的选择性。 LED作为一种绿色光源产品既节约能源又为我们的生活增添价值。不仅如此,较其他的大屏终端显示屏而言,其高亮度、



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