functional technical requirements document template(功能技术需求文档模板).doc

functional technical requirements document template(功能技术需求文档模板).doc

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 FUNCTIONAL and TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT HMIS Implementation Project Sample Implementation Collaborative On behalf of Sample Continuum of Care Sample Continuum of Care Sample Continuum of Care Sample Continuum of Care Month, Year Developed by: Name of Author(s) Company Name Functional Requirements Document Authorization Memorandum I have carefully assessed the Functional and Technical Requirements Document for the (System Name). MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION - Please check the appropriate statement. ______ The document is accepted. ______ The document is accepted pending the changes noted. ______ The document is not accepted. We fully accept the changes as needed improvements and authorize initiation of work to proceed. Based on our authority and judgment, the continued operation of this system is authorized. _______________________________ _____________________ NAME DATE HMIS Project Manager _______________________________ _____________________ NAME DATE HMIS Lead Agency Director _______________________________ _____________________ NAME DATE CoC Chair/ Co-Chair _______________________________ _____________________ NAME DATE CoC Chair/ Co-Chair FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page # 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION 1 1.1 Purpose 1 1.2 Scope 1 1.3 Project References 1 1.4 Acronyms and Abbreviations 1 1.5 Points of Contact 1 1.5.1 Information and Coordination 1 2.0 CURRENT SYSTEM SUMMARY 2 3.0 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND USER IMPACTS 2 3.1 Summary of Functions 2 3.1.1 Functional Requirements 3 3.2 Summary of User Impacts 4 3.2.1 User Organizational Impacts 4 3.2.2 User Operational Impacts 5 3.2.3 User Developmental Impacts 5 4.0 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 5 4.1 Specific Performance Requirements 5 4.1.1 Accuracy and Validity 5 4.1.2 Timing 6 4.1.3 Capacity Limits 6 4.1.4 Failure Contingencies 6 5.0 ADDITIONAL SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 6 5.1 System Description 6 5.2 Systems In


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