g b r c race director guidelines(g b r c竞赛主任的指导方针).doc

g b r c race director guidelines(g b r c竞赛主任的指导方针).doc

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Last Update: 2/15/2015 GBRC Race Director Guidelines / Timelines / Checklist These guidelines are arranged in two different ways, with most items appearing on both lists: A: chronological order – the timelines / checklist B: ordered by category; for example: course marking, volunteers, etc. Note concerning technology: Several items in this handbook involve the use of information technology (IT). Examples include accessing gbrc membership information on-line, on-line race registration, and race website updating. A separate manual will provide details of how RDs can access the relevant functions on the gbrc computer system. TIMELINES / CHECKLIST At least 6-9 months prior to race: ____ If your race uses chip timing, contact BuDu Racing ASAP to reserve them for the date of your race - info@BuDuR. (* changing a gbrc event into a chip timed requires gbrc board approval, if your race would like to start using chip timing, please get approval first). ____ Secure the rental of any Whatcom City Park/County park buildings/shelters that will be used for the event. If the race is in Bellingham city limits, submit the course map and a ‘large event application form’ (available on-line) to Bellingham Parks Recreation. If the event is in Whatcom County, contact them directly via phone for application instructions, and site rental information. Many of these applications require a parking / transportation plan. These spaces get booked fast each year! We are a non-profit; get the corresponding reduced rental rates. Submit receipts to the gbrc treasurer for reimbursement. (*When reserving a site for your race you will be guided through the rental process from the entities you are renting from (city or county). ____ Update race course map annually; including mile marks and major road crossings. If a new or modified course, use wheel or GPS or software such as to measure distances. Have these updated maps ready when securing your race site. ____ Carefully read th


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