g r a d u a t e s c h o o l o f p u b l i c a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l a f f a i r s(g r d u t e s c h o o l o f p u b l我c n d n t e r n t i o n l f f ir s).doc

g r a d u a t e s c h o o l o f p u b l i c a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l a f f a i r s(g r d u t e s c h o o l o f p u b l我c n d n t e r n t i o n l f f ir s).doc

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g r a d u a t e s c h o o l o f p u b l i c a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l a f f a i r s(g r d u t e s c h o o l o f p u b l我c n d n t e r n t i o n l f f ir s)

GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS University of Pittsburgh PIA 2352-1140 Dr. Forrest E. Morgan Office at RAND Corporation (412) 683-2300 x4924 Email: forrest@ STRATEGY AND POLICY This course examines the nexus of military strategy and national policy, exploring the development and use of military power for political ends. In short, it is about how states make war. The course is designed to investigate several interrelated themes. First is the role of military theory as a foundation for doctrine and strategy. Second is the relationship of military strategy to national objectives and political decision-making. The context in which the foregoing issues are examined is provided in the third theme: the social, technical, and intellectual evolution of warfare from the early nineteenth century to the present. The course is taught in a relaxed atmosphere, combining lecture and discussion, and is aimed at achieving a deep understanding of the material and a vibrant exchange of ideas. The course is taught in three phases. The first is foundational; the second, historical; and the third, anticipatory. Phase 1, Basic Concepts and Theory, lays a conceptual foundation that students apply in analyzing historical developments in the second phase of the course and developing expectations about the future in the third phase. In phase 2, Historical Patterns of Warfare, students explore the evolving nature of civil-military relations and the impacts of social, intellectual, and technological developments on military strategy and national policy. Additional theories are introduced in phase 2 in context of the technological and intellectual developments that inspired them. In phase 3, National Security Challenges in the 21st Century, we will consider the nature of current and future threats. Then students are invited to synthesize their knowledge of military theory, strategy, and policy to assess the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary U.S.


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