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关键词:接口管理 无线控制器 网络
With the continuous development of wireless networks, the amalgamation of cable and wireless networks will definitely become a trend, and it is inevitable that a late-model network apparatus, such as the Wire and Wireless Integration Switch, will come into being. As an important software components of the Integration Switch, Interface management which abstracts the underlying hardware drive, defines the whole Interface and provides interface for the superior management, has great significance for the management of Integration Switch’s softwarehardware and its performance.
This thesis, via a AX7000 Wire and Wireless integration Enterprise-class Switch project and thoroughly studying on Cisco’s, Juniper’s and some other company’s Interface Management design pattern, puts forward my own design pattern in which I educed the definability of Ethernet Interface, Layer 3 Interface, Protocol Interface and a variety of some special interface and identified their relations via the Port and VLAN of intreface, and achieved the virtual network card driving which gives support for layer 3 interface, and fulfilled the function of interface’s gateway. And by appending ARP and Management Module of Router information learning, so that we can ensure network’s safety and its efficiency and stabilization of data transmition and finally achieve the configuration’s function of command-line according to its definition of interface.
Keyword:Interface Management Wireless Controller Network
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 项目背景 1
1.2 项目来源 2
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