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Unit 2 The United Kingdom Ⅰ.单项填空 1.Claire had her luggage________an hour before her plane left.(2011·陕西,14) A.check B.checking C.to check D.checked 答案 D 解析 句意为:克莱尔在飞机离开前一小时(由安检员)把行李检查了。check与her luggage之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用checked,构成have sth. done结构。 2.I’m trying to break the________of getting up too late. A.tradition B.convenience C.habit D.leisure 答案 C 解析 考查名词辨析。句意为:我正试图改掉起床太晚的习惯。habit习惯,符合句意。 3.Tell me when you will arrive and I will________for a car to pick you up. A.asked B.arranged C.sent D.called 答案 B 解析 arrange for sb.to do sth.是固定用法,表示“安排某人做某事”。其他三项均无此用法。 4.If what you say is not________with what you do,it will have a bad effect on your children. A.controversial B.consistent C.confident D.considerate 答案 B 解析 考查形容词辨析。be consistent with与……一致。句意为:如果你言行不一的话,这将对你的孩子产生不好的影响。controversial争论的,争议的;confident自信的,确信的;considerate考虑周到的。 5.I don’t count the exact number, but________speaking,about 200 attended the meeting. A.strictly B.roughly C.generally D.honestly 答案 B 解析 roughly speaking粗略地说;strictly speaking严格地说;generally speaking通常,一般说来;honestly speaking老实说。由I didn’t count可知应选B项。 6.—Will $200________the cost of the damage? —I’m afraid not.I need at least $100 more. A.do B.includeC.cover D.afford 答案 C 解析 考查动词词义辨析。句意为:200美元能够支付损失吗?——恐怕不能。我至少再需要100美元。do可以,行;include包括;cover足以支付,够付;afford承担得起。 7.It is uncertain________side effect the medicine will bring about,although about two thousand patients have taken it. (2010·浙江,9) A.that B.what C.how D.whether 答案 B 解析 句意为:尽管大约2 000名患者已经服用了这种药,但是它会带来什么样的副作用还不清楚。因为受It is certain/uncertain that...句型的影响,很多同学易误选that,但此句中空格处的词不但引导真正的主语从句,还要作从句的宾语,即bring about的宾语,起双重作用,只能选择what。how与whether无论是词义还是担当的成分都不符合要求。 8.The diamond mine________accidentally by a little boy when he was playing hide-and-seek. (2012·上海春招) A.discovered B.was discovered C.has been discovered D.would discover 答案 B 解析 考查动词的被动语态。句意为:这个钻石矿是在那个小男孩玩捉迷藏的时候偶然被发现的。 9.At the end of the year everyone should think what has been________and what is left und


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