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摘 要 仓储管理系统主要提供一个仓储业务及其作业管理的信息存储和检索系统。通过入库业务、出库业务、库存调整,结合批次管理、物料对应、库存盘点、质检管理、实时库存管理等功能实现对仓库的综合管理,对物流的仓库库存业务过程进行有效控制,从而实现完善、高效的企业仓储信息管理。 本文根据中小企业特点,运用系统的相关理论及相关技术,从系统的开发背景、需求分析、发展现状和开发过程等方面进行了全面的阐述。结合开发系统的需求特点,确定了系统的功能模块和业务流程,完成了系统的总体设计和各子功能模块的详细设计。本系统分用户登录、入库管理、库存管理、出库管理和预警管理等功能模块。库存管理功能分为直接查询所有商品信息和按条件查询,盘点结果管理以及对供货商和操作员信息的管理。其中预警管理是本系统开发与设计中的难点。 目前该系统已经通过调试,具有良好的稳定性和可扩展性,该系统具有一定得参考价值和借鉴意义。 关键词:物流信息 仓储管理系统 功能模块 设计 实现 ABSTRACT Warehouse Management Information System is an information storage and retrieval system, mainly to provide a storage business and its operations management. Through the storage business, the treasury operations, inventory adjustment, combined with batch management, the corresponding materials, inventory, quality management, real-time inventory management and other functions achieve the integrated management of the warehouse, control the warehouse of the logistics business processes effectively, in order to achieve sound and efficient storage of business information management. Based on small and medium-sized features, the use of systems theory and related techniques , this paper has been described many ways, such as system development background, needs analysis, development status and development process, and so on. Combined with the characteristics of the development of systems, this paper determines the function of the system modules and business processes, and completes the overall design of the system and the sub-function modules of the detailed design. During this system, there are users of the system registry, warehousing management, inventory management, a database management and early warning management modules and so on. Inventory management functions are divided into direct access to all commodities according to the conditions of information and inquiries, the results of the management of inventory and suppliers and operators of information management. One of the difficulties is the system management is the de


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