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专业代做土木毕业设计,也有300多套现成的设计(往届的优秀设计);代写代发土木文章(职称论文、工程硕士及硕士博士论文);专利等都可以!有这方面的需要的可以联系我! 电话 QQ:316525616(毕设) QQ:1102830630(文章) 祝好! 此广告常年有效。但由于工作地点的更换,手机号以后可能会换,但QQ号是一直在用。 摘 要 本工程为五层框架式商厦,建筑面积10000m2,占地面积11000m2,五层,总高25.1m,采用框架式结构,柱下独立基础,设计基准期50年,结构安全等级为二级,抗震设防烈度为7度。建筑设计本着“功能适用,经济合理,造型美观,环境相宜”的原则,以国家相应规范、标准为依据,完成了设计任务书所要求的建筑平面设计,并在此基础上进行了立面、剖面、建筑详图设计,共画出建筑图张。结构设计本着“安全,适用,耐久”的原则,进行了竖向荷载汇集,水平荷载汇集,内力计算,内力组合,结构抗震验算,板、梁、柱、楼梯、基础等结构构件的设计。共画出结构图4张。 关键词:框架式商厦 框架结构 柱下独立基础 Abstract This is a design for mall building of a city. Its building area is 10000m2 and it will cover a field of 11000m2. It is a five-storied building with 25.1-meters high structure and single footing are used for this building. The design working life is 50 years, and the safety class is 2. The seismic fortification intensity is 7. On the principle of “applicable, economical, beautiful and harmonious with the environment” on architectural design, and conforming to correlative codes and standards, architectural plan design required in the design assignment are accomplished. Based on these, elevation, section and detail drawing are designed. The number of total architectural drawings is 5.On the principle of “safe, applicable and durable” on structural design, vertical load and horizontal load acting on the building are calculated. Internal force of structure is figured out. In addition, internal force combination and seismic check for the structure are given. Slab, beam, column, stair canopy and foundation are designed. The number of total structural drawings is 4 . Keywords: frame type mall buiding frame structure single footing 第一篇 建筑设计部分 1.总平面设计 随着生活水平不断的提高在城市中商厦已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的消费场所,现代化的社会与社团关系着眼,这些建筑物彼此之间应该是有机联系得。 本次毕业设计拟在某市某地区建造一栋商厦,该楼主要是用于商品销售。在总平面设计中考虑到购物环境的安详和便捷,商厦位于城市中心地段,周围与主要道路连接交通方便,出入自由。与周围本来的商埠形成良好的呼应,打造出具有现代都市气息的商业中心,两侧的步行街道绿树鲜花林立,休闲购物环境优雅。 2.平面设计 对于刚度较小的框架结构体系,其高宽比一般宜小于4。本例的体型仍采用传统的矩形体,从几何观点来看对侧移颇为为敏感的,而由于它的几何


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