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阿里巴巴人才流失的成因与对策摘 要 随着社会经济的不断发展,企业人员的管理也渐渐的从人事劳资管理转化成为对人才的重视和培养,以及以人为本的资源管理阶段,从而表现出战略性的人才管理阶段的发展态势。随着信息技术的飞速发展,我国的互联网企业也大量出现,互联网企业的快速发展使得企业加大了对于人才的需求。但是因为互联网企业人力资源管理的落后,使得人力资源出现大量流失的情况。? 本文通过定量调查、定性分析等方式对阿里巴巴公司的人员招聘、培训、绩效考核、薪酬管理、激励措施等人力资源管理问题进行调研分析,认为阿里巴巴公司在人力资源管理方面处于传统人事管理阶段,人力资源管理的目标不清,各种管理手段效果不佳,尤其是绩效和薪酬管理上的不完善,使得人才流失现象日趋严重,要解决这一问题,不仅要提高认识,而且要不断完善人力资源管理体系,在员工激励以及企业文化建设等方面做出相应改善。 本文首先给出了论题的国内外的研究现状和论文本身的意义,以及相关的理论概述。并讨论了关于阿里巴巴公司的管理制度以及公司文化,从而了解阿里巴巴公司人力管理的运行模式,从中找出问题并提出解决性方案。论文的研究在一定程度上推进了人力资源管理和企业管理的结合,探索了二者结合的有效模式。 关键词:互联网人才流失绩效管理管理 Abstract With the continuous development of social economy, enterprise management personnel has gradually transformed from a labor management personnel become importance of talent and training, as well as people-oriented resource management phase, which shows the development trend of strategic talent management phase. With the rapid development of information technology, Chinas Internet companies have appeared in large numbers, the rapid development of Internet business allows companies to increase the demand for talent. But because the Internet behind human resource management, human resources make the situation appear huge loss. Through quantitative surveys, qualitative analysis and other methods of Alibabas staff recruitment, training, performance appraisal, compensation management, incentives and other human resource management issues for research analysis, that Alibaba is in the traditional personnel management stage in human resource management the goal of human resource management is unclear, a variety of management tools to poor effect, making the brain drain phenomenon is growing, to solve this problem, not only to raise awareness, but also to continue to improve human resource management system, employee motivation and corporate culture aspects of construction and other improvements to make the appropriate. This paper gives the topic of domestic and foreign research status and significance of the paper itself, as well a


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