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毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要 本建筑为市某办公大楼。该共层,高度约m,总建筑面积m2。 本次设计主要从空调冷负荷的计算;空调系统方案的确定;冷源的选择;空调末端处理设备的选型;风系统的设计与计算;室内送风方式的确定及气流组织的计算;水系统的设计、布置与水力计算等内容进行空调系统的设计。最后完成空调系统的图纸绘制。 根据计算结果,本公共建筑的最大冷负荷出现在14:00为kW,其冷负荷指标为W/m2。空调系统采用空气源热泵作为冷热源,采用一台南京天加模块化风冷式冷(热)水机组,型号为TCA。空调方案采用风机盘管加新风系统,室内气流组织为送回,在建筑的每层设置一台新风处理机组。冷冻水系统为两管制同程闭式系统,水泵,一用一备。 关键词: 冷负荷空气源热泵 风机盘管加新风气流组织 毕业说明书(论文)外文摘要 Title Design a buildings air conditioning system in City Abstract The building is an office building of Suzhou City. The building of 9 floors, a height of about 28.7m, total construction area of 6690m2. The design is mainly from the air conditioning cooling load calculation; determine air conditioning system solutions; choose cold source; air terminal selection processing equipment; calculation method to determine the indoor air and airflow organizations;; air system design and calculation of water system design, layout and design of hydraulic calculations and other content air-conditioning system. Finalize the drawings drawing air conditioning system. According to the results, the maximum cooling load of the public buildings in 14:00 to 924kW, its cooling load index is 209W/m2. Air source heat pump air conditioning system uses a heat source, the use of a modular air-cooled Nanjing days plus cold (hot) water unit, model TCA209CH. Air conditioning program uses air fan coil systems, indoor air is sent back to the top top, set up a new air handling units in each building. Chilled water system is controlled with two-way closed system, CRE120-2-1 pump, with a preparation. Keywords: cooling load of air-source heat pump air fan coil airflow Air organization 目录 第一章 设计说明 2 1.1 设计内容和目的 2 1.2 设计依据 2 1.3 工程概况 3 1.4 设计参数 3 1.4.1 室外气象参数 3 1.4.2 室内空气设计标准 3 第二章 空调负荷计算 4 2.1 冷负荷计算 4 2.1.1外墙和屋顶瞬变传热引起的冷负荷 4 2.1.2内围护结构冷负荷 4 2.1.3外玻璃窗瞬变传热引起的冷负荷 5 2.1.4透过玻璃窗的日射得热引起的冷负荷 5 2.1.5 室内热源散热、设备和用具显热散热形成的冷负荷 5 2.2空调系统设计热负荷 7 2.2.1 围护结构基本耗热量 7 2.2.2 围护结构的修正耗热量 7 2.3湿负荷 8 2.4 举例一层门厅负荷计算


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