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摘 要 在信息技术不断更新发展的今天,大大小小的商店也在不断地追求如何利用科技力量快速提高其经济效益。众所周知,经营管理模式是一个商店能够取得效益的关键,而进销管理是商店经营管理中的重要环节。然而在传统进货模式下,商店一直使用传统人工的方式管理文件信息,这种管理方式存在着许多缺点,如:效率低、保密性差,另外时间一长,将产生大量的文件和数据,这对于查找、更新和维护都带来了不少的困难。因此低效率,低可靠性,低安全性,低保密性的传统的进销管理模式已经不再适应时代发展的需要,为此利用信息技术开发新的进销管理系统势在必行。所以针对这种传统进货模式带来的弊端,本文采用jsp技术和mysql技术设计了一个新的商店进销管理系统,该系统不仅检索迅速、方便,信息存储量大,安全性高,而且极大提高员工的工作效率,减少管理成本,同时信息化进货一方面为中国商店提供有效进货与供应链管理信息化解决方案,另一方面为商店储备更多进货专业人才,为商店进货管理革新注入新的血液,使更多的商店从进货方面提高管理效率,降低人工成本。 关键字:商店进销管理系统 进货 销售 mysql jsp Abstract In todays information technology constantly updated development, greatly small shop is in constant pursuit of how to use the power of science and technology rapidly improve its economic benefit. As is known to all, business management mode is the key to a shop can get benefit, the net management is an important link of store management. However, in the traditional purchase mode, the store has been using the traditional artificial way management document information, this management way has many shortcomings, such as: low efficiency, poor confidentiality, another time a long, will produce a large number of documents and data, to find, update and maintenance have brought a lot of difficulties. So low efficiency, low reliability, low security, low confidentiality of traditional net management mode no longer adapt to the needs of times development, therefore the use of information technology to develop new net management system is imperative. So aiming at the disadvantages of the traditional purchase mode, this paper USES the JSP technology and mysql has designed a new store net management system, the system not only retrieve the quick, convenient, information storage capacity big, high safety, but also greatly improve the staffs working efficiency, reduce management costs, information and replenish onrs stock on the one hand, as the Chinese stores provide effective purchase and supply chain management information solutions, on the other hand to store reserves to purchase more professio


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