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天津外国语大学滨海外事学院经 济 系 本 科 生 毕 业 论 文 题目 对我国城市商业银行区域扩张的研究 The study of regional expansion of urban commercial Banks in China in China 作 者 郝爽 学 号 100664020 专 业 金融学 班 级 100404 指导教师 雷海波 完成日期 2014年4月 中文摘要 近年来国多元化多层次的金融格局发生了微妙的变化,并且,在摆脱了以往只能在某个城市经营业务的地域限制之后,通过重组、新设和并购,开始走向跨区域经营的发展道路。既可以在本省未设分行的城市设立分支机构,也可以到省外拓展业务。通过在不同地区有效布局,区域性商业银行能够开辟新的业务领域,拓展新的利润增长点,扩大业务收入的渠道,提升自己的品牌和知名度。 跨区域经营过程中,商业银行将不可避免会与大型国有商业银行、全国性的股份制商业银行以及外资金融机构展开剧烈的较量。目前大型国有商业银行已经形成了网络的广泛与大型企业尤其是国有企业关系良好的竞争优势。与之相比,商业银行一旦离开乡土原有的地缘人脉等优势,可能不同程度不复存在。与大型国有商业银行、全国股份制商业银行与外资银行全面竞争,显然增加了某些困难。Abstract In recent years, China has diversified multi-level financial landscape subtle changes have taken place, by the transformation of rural credit cooperatives and city commercial bank began cross-regional development, and expand the development of the boom. On the one hand, By the development of rural credit cooperatives and city commercial Banks, the only from the past in a particular city regional restriction, business through restructuring, a new and mergers and acquisitions, began to cross area business development road. Either in this province cities have a branch set up branches, also can to expand their business outside the province. Through effective layout in different regions, regional commercial Banks will be able to open up new business areas, develop new profit growth point, enlarge the channels of business income, improve their brand and reputation. on the other hand, business process, the city commercial Banks will inevitably and big state-owned commercial Banks, national joint-stock commercial Banks and foreign capital financial institutions launched intense battle. The large state-owned commercial bank has formed the network wide good relations with large enterprises, especially state-owned enterprise competitive advantage.With large state-owned commercial Banks, the nationa


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