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有形社会问题的写作 主题词: 1,资源保护 energy and resource saving 、reservation 2,环境保护,environmental protection 3,人口增长,the growth of china’s population 4,家庭暴力,the problem of domestic / family violence 5,社会保障系统,social security system 社会保障资金,social security fund 6,假冒伪劣产品,counterfeits and unqualified products 7,食品安全,food safety 粮食安全,grain security 8,消费者权益保护问题,the protection of consumers rights and interests 9,知识产权保护问题,intellectual property protection 10,学术剽窃,academic plagiarism 11,节约粮食,grain conservation 当无法描述的救急办法: 第一段—— 第一句: as is shown in the cartoon above ,the characters in the middle of it are doing something thought-provoking and this will enlighten us persistently .图中人物正在做着令人思考的事情,这样的场景不断启发我们 第二句: The author’s real purpose is not as simple as the picture itself,but to lead observers to find out what hides behind the iceberg. 第二段 第一句: with our adequate exploration of the meaning of the picture, the hidden problem that lies beneath the surface will unfold and definitely get a lot of publicity 充分思考这幅图画的含义,这幅画下面隐藏的问题将会展现出来,并得到大量关注 第三句: nevertheless i hold that the leading causes derive from the specific social and economic circumstances 尽管如此,我认为主要的原因,应该归咎于这个特定的社会和经济环境 第四句: as we know , our nation is expected to realize its goal of becoming a moderately prosperous country , which is required to established a economy system where the market plays a “decisive” role to bring about sustained social progress 我们国家正在努力去实现达到中等发达国家水平的目标,这就要求建立起一个市场扮演决定作用的经济体制以带来持续的社会进步 第五句: so, inevitable ,the market economy system is revealing its ugly faces regretfully, among which are not only environmental pollution but also cheating ,and such problems as food safety, corruption , taking bribes, compromising their conscience,plagiarism and the like . 与此同时,市场经济体制的负面影响正在出现,例如欺骗,良知的缺失 第六句: the problem reflected in th


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