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摘 要 2006年我国钢材进出口格局发生历史性变化:以1-11月份高达2927万吨的累计净出口量彻底扭转了长达57年净进口钢材局面,成为钢材净出口国家。伴随出口量的大幅增加,钢铁也成为我国继纺织品之后遭受贸易摩擦的重灾地,据商务部统计,仅2006年前十一个月,就有十一个国家对我国钢铁企业采取了二十七项反倾销,反补贴调查,涉及金额高达九亿美元之多.另外,作为对国家最具战略意义的资源行业,它出口量的高速增长对我们紧缺的资源,急需保护的环境造成怎样的影响, 其发展模式究竟是弊大于利,还是利大于弊?这些问题已经引起了越来越多专家学者的关注. 本文分三部分论述:第一部分从我国钢铁贸易快速发展,但由于产能过剩导致贸易条件恶化,环境受损,贸易摩擦频繁发生的现状出发,找出是我国钢铁行业发展的三个特点,引出第二部分:我国钢铁贸易存在的问题,主要有两个方面:我国钢铁贸易结构不合理和出口量过度增长潜藏危机.第三部分作为文章的核心,针对前一部分提出的两大问题和六个表现方面提出了可行的对策建议. 【关键词】 钢铁贸易 产能过剩 产品结构 贸易摩擦 Abstract In 2006, fundamental changes have taken place in the format of import and export in steel and iron industry of China. The export is up to 2.927 million, changing the situation of negative increase for 57 years. However, with the massive export increase, the amount of trade friction has greatly increased. Within the past eleven months in 2006, the amount of anti-dumping case is up to 27, from eleven different countries, valued at US$900 million. From the above we can see that our steel and iron trade still faces problems. In addition, since the iron and steel industry is the most strategic to every country in the world and one of essential ones to China’s economy, whose development has a close relation to many other industries such as energy and resources, questions like whether its fast development will bring the detrimental effects on the environment draw more and more attention of experts and scholars. This paper falls into three parts: the first part is introducing current situation of steel and iron industry of our country and its main characteristics; in the second part, through the analyses of the development, we found there are two serious problems: the structure of our trade is unreasonable and the over-fast development has several latent dangers. As the key part of the paper, the last part shows some suggestion of the solving of problems mentioned in the second part. 【Key Words】Steel and Iron Trade; Surplus Productivity; Product Structure; Trade Conflict 目 录 1  我国钢铁贸易的发展状况及其


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