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高三人教课标广东B版第1-4期JX: 第1期参考答案及部分解析 答案解析: 1-5 CAADC 6-10 BCDBB 11-15 DACBD 16. were chosen 17. one 18. to sing 19. of 20. When 21. encouragement 22. which 23. an 24. though / although 25. most amazing 26-30 DCCBB 31-35 ACBBD 36-40 DAACB 41-45 CCBAB 46-50 BFCEA 基础写作: One possible version: There appeared a heated argument on the net among the citizens about whether a nuclear power plant should be constructed in our city. Optimistic citizens believe that a new power station will provide more energy to our city, which will certainly relieve the pressure of energy supply in our city. Furthermore, a new power plant will bring about more job chances for the citizens. However, pessimistic citizens think that once the power plant breaks down, it will produce serious pollution, causing great damages and losses to the citizens’ life and property. As far as I am concerned, I think we should not leave the possible danger of pollution before we take real actions to build up this power plant. 读写任务: One possible version: From the passage, we learn the theme, layout, participants and highlights of The International Horticultural Exposition in Xi’an and believe that it will prove successful as other big events held in China in the past few years. I feel excited and proud about this event because China has become more powerful and influential in the world. Meanwhile, I realize that all these projects advocate harmony and co-existence of human and nature in peace. Environmental protection is still an issue that deserves the concern of all humans. As we know, energy crisis is becoming ever so pressing now and over-exploitation has broken the balance of nature, as a result, serious disaster occurred frequently. One catastrophe may destroy what we have built up and achieved with efforts for decades. Japan nuclear leak is a convincing example, which has caused fears and worries worldwide. Therefore, it’s high time all nations join hands


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