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120447932 参考答案(Unit2 4 6 8 10) Unit 2 Vocabulary 4. Translate the following sentences, paying special attention to the words in bold type. 1. 一个男子突然站了起来,用他的鞋子朝他扔过去。幸亏他及时低头躲了过去。 2. 我们在他回家前把房间通通风吧。 3.她虽然八十好几了,但还能穿针引线。 4. 我们必须勇敢面对这个危险。总有人妖在我们这里浑水摸鱼。 5. 她清楚地知道,如果2把那钱放进口袋,她就会倒大霉。[head for:很可能遭受(不幸);会招致] 6.会议是由一个刚刚平步青云,掌握大权的妇女主持的。 7. 正如老话所说,剥猫皮可以有很多种方法。 (不必墨守成规) 8. 一对年轻的恋人坠入爱河,仅因为此,他们被用石头活活砸死。 9. 我希望贫富差距能够缩小。前两天我见到一个饿极了的年轻人在一家饭馆狼吞虎咽地吃残羹剩饭。 10.桌子上的食品如此诱人,我都流口水了。 3. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets 1. is that we can’t find enough foreign markets 2. is that with democracy there is no harmonious society 3. is that we should give/ allow students more freedom 4. is not strong enough to send him to prison 5. reliable enough to be her husband 6. is not big enough to hold so many people 7. There doesn’t seem to be any different opinion 8. Because at that time there seemed to be enough food for everybody 9. Because there didn’t seem to be any good reason at the time 10. because he was being followed at that time 11. my car is being repaired/fixed 12. I hear it is being criticized by many people 13 a good doctor, but he doesn’t know much about history 14. an excellent English professor, but she doesn’t know everything 15. we may be poor, but we are no beggars. 16. I shouldn’t have told her in such a hurry 17. I shouldn’t (have gone) 18. we should have listened to them 4 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words and phrases 1. move in on, happened to 2. aware of 3. heard of 4. think twice 5. Because of, hand over 6. the other day, on duty 7. on the case, as to 8. in the first place 5. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions and adverbs. 1 on 2 into 3 up 4 forward to 5 down upon 6 up 7 up to 6 Translate the following sentence into English 1. 在我看来,这似乎不可能,但是其他所有人看起来都很有信心。 It seems impossible to me, but all the others looked very confident. 2. 我们四下一望,没有一个仍然矗立的建筑物了。地震似乎把一切的摧毁了。


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