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电子商务——网络广告的现状及发展趋势分析 信管102 冯家樑 201010901103 网络广告的现状及发展趋势分析 Analysis of the current situation and development trend of the network advertisement 信管102 冯家樑 201010901103 摘要:随着电子商务的发展,网络已经逐渐发展成为展示产品特点和进行营销活动的主体。网络广告也成为继报纸杂志、电视、广播、路牌等广告后的第五种广告。近几年来,网络广告的支出呈现几何级数增长,网络广告的发展势头仍然强劲。但是,网络目前的普及率较低,同时网络人群的主体又不是购买力的主体,这就影响了网络广告的效果。随着时间的推移,随着网络广告的优势的发挥,人们会逐渐习惯网络广告,网络广告具有光明的前景。 Abstract: with the development of electronic commerce, the network has become a display characteristics of products and marketing activities of the body. The network advertisement has become the newspapers and magazines, television, radio, billboard advertising after fifth ad. In recent years, online advertising spending showing the geometric progression growth, the development momentum of network advertisement still strong. However, at present the network popularization rate is low, the body also Internet users is not the subject of purchasing power, which affects the effectiveness of online advertising. With the passage of time, with the advantage of network advertisement play, people will gradually accustomed to network advertisement, network advertisement has a bright future. 关键词:网络广告;现状;未来发展 Keywords: network advertisement; present situation; development 前言:随着信息科学技术的进步,计算机网络得到了广泛地普及和发展。在信息技术高速发展的今天,我们每天都从网络获取大量的最新消息。通过网络,进入我们视野的,有着各种各样的信息咨讯,其中就包括了在互联网中站有一席之地的网络广告,网络广告作为一种有别于传统广告的全新营销方式,正以其独特的魅力吸引着越来越多的企业和公司,许多有远见的厂商都希望通过网络广告开拓的自己新市场,希望在日益激烈的市场竞争中多得一份杯羹。网络广告作为一种新兴媒体不可或缺的一部分,越来越多地为人们所重视。然而,做为推广网络产品的生产商,又应该如何推销自己的产品呢?下面让我们逐步深入对网络广告营销策略的理解。 Objective: with the development of information science and technology, computer network has been widely applied and development. With the rapid development of information technology today, every day we get the latest news from large network. Through the network, in our view, there is a variety of information, including on the Internet has a space for one person in the network advertisement, network advertisement as a kind of brand-new marketing


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