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创新实践(论文)题 目:含缬氨酸的胶束制备及性能测试学 院:材料科学与工程学院专 业:高分子材料与工程学 号生姓名:曾荣清 甘执建 黄志平 指导老师:刘志雷二O一六 年 十 一月含缬氨酸的胶束制备及性能测试学生姓名:曾荣清 甘执建 黄志平 班级:130131 指导老师:刘志雷摘要:聚合物胶束的制备过程中,得到的聚合物交联的程度要适当,否则无法成核形成胶束,或者直接生成沉淀。所以制备聚合物胶束的关键在于要控制聚合过程中原料的配比。水凝胶的制备较简单,只要聚合物能吸水并且溶胀即可产生。本文采用自由基聚合的方法制备聚氨基酸-聚醚嵌段共聚物。自由基聚合所用的单体分别是通过酰胺反应制备丙烯酰-L-缬氨酸甲胺(VAL)和通过酯化反应聚乙二醇单甲醚丙烯酸酯(MPEG-C=C)。两者的合成路线分别是将L-缬氨酸合成到L-缬氨酸甲胺再到丙烯酰-L-缬氨酸甲胺;将聚乙二醇单甲醚合成到聚乙二醇单甲醚丙烯酸酯。通过对单体红外光谱的分析能得出单体聚合成功。单体以(VAL:MPEG)摩尔比10:1、5:1、5:1(不加N-N亚甲基双丙烯酰胺交联剂)不同配比得到的共聚物。用DMF和水作为分散介质用透析法进行胶束的制备。对其温敏性进行了观测。对摩尔比为10:1的共聚物(水凝胶)经行了手性分离的测试。关键词:自由基聚合 聚合物胶束 水凝胶 嵌段共聚物指导老师签名:刘志雷Preparation and performance test of micelles containing valineStudent Name: Zeng rongqing Gan zhijian Huang zhiping Class: 130131Tutor: Liu ZhileiAbstract: The preparation process of polymer micelle, polymer crosslinked to the extent appropriate, otherwise it is impossible to form micelle nucleation, or direct precipitation. So the key is to prepare polymer micelles material in the polymerization process. The ratio of hydrogel preparation is simple, as long as the polymer can absorb water and swelling can be produced. For this method of free radical polymerization to prepare poly amino polyether block copolymer. The monomer by free radical polymerization of acryloyl -L- were prepared by reaction of methylamine valine amide (VAL) and through the esterification reaction of polyethylene glycol ether acrylate (MPEG-C=C). The difference is the synthesis route of L- valine synthesis to L- methylamine to acryloyl -L- valine valine methylamine; synthesis of polyethylene glycol to polyethylene glycol ether acrylate monomer. Through the analysis of the infrared spectra can be obtained successfully. The polymerization of the monomer monomer molar ratio of 10:1,5 to (VAL:MPEG) 1,5:1 (without N-N methylenebisacrylamide and crosslinking agent) copolymer with different ratio obtained. The micelles with DMF and water as the dispersion mediu


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