
Unit 4 长句处理解析.ppt

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long sentences and accented speeches S V O 中译英 汉语中,长句子中往往含有多个小短句子。特别是口译中,一个较长的句子里面可能包含多个含有完整的主谓宾的句子。 翻译时不必要求句子结构对应,但要注意各个句子之间的联系。 我们要拿出敢为天下先的勇气,锐意改革,激励创新,积极探索适合自身发展需要的新道路新模式,不断寻求新增长点和驱动力。 We should have the courage of pioneers in the commitment of reform and the encouragement of innovation, and actively explore new development path and models that suit the needs,constantly seeking new growth point and driving force. 我们要共同致力于构建覆盖太平洋两岸的鸭腿互联互通格局,通过硬件的互联互通,拉近各经济体的距离,为联接亚太、通达世界铺设道路;通过软件的互联互通,加强政策、法律、规制的衔接和融合,携手打造便利、高效的亚太供应链;通过人员往来的互联互通,促进人民友好往来,让信任和友谊生根发芽。 We should work togther to establish interconnectivity covering the Asian Pacific region. Through hardware intercoonectivity, we could bring various economies closer, paving the road to connect the Asia-Pacific and link the region to the rest of the world. Through software interconnectivity, we could enhance the convergence and integration of policies, laws, rules, and work toghter to create a convenient and efficient supply chain of the Asia-Pacific. By interconnectivity of personnel, we chould promote friendly exchanges between the people, so that trust and friendship could take root. 英译中 英文若出现长句,通常意味着出现的概念比较抽象,出现的意象并非简单的理解。 提高分析能力和语言表达能力 I stand here today hubled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of sacrifices born by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this tansition. 我今天站在这里,深知前方任务艰巨,我感谢各位给予的信任,心中铭记我们先辈作出的牺牲。我感谢布什总统任职期间对国家的服务,感谢他在过渡阶段所展现的慷慨与合作。 You have chosen to take this course- and I am pleased you have done so. Each person taking the course will have had many motivations in mind when they signed up- so many that listing a few examples is , I am sure, meaningless. However, I know that everyone on the course brought one key motivation with them- a commitment to learn. That will be crucial to taking you through this- or any other online course. 你选择了这门课程-


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