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?成功之路(The Path to Success)People often want something for nothing. They want to work for a year, and be rich for a lifetime, diet for a month, and be skinny for years, work hard for a season, and become CEO. But real change…requires a life style change! 人总想不劳而获。他们想工作一年,余生富庶;节食一月,苗条数载;努力一季,升为CEO。但是真正的变化需要生活方式的改变。 Tell me how you spend your time and I will predict your future, because the secret of your future lies hidden in your daily routine. 我能预测你的未来,若你告知我你怎样使用你的时间。皆因未来之谜暗藏于你的日常生活中。 There are no short-cuts! You can’t cheat the system. In fact, the more you try to cheat the system, the farther away from your goals you get. There are no back roads to success; everyone has to climb the same mountain. 没有捷径!你不能欺骗“成功系统”,实际上,你越试图欺骗,你离目标越远。成功之路没有小道,每人都要攀登同一座山峰。 Success Is Simple, But Hard 成功,简单也困难 What deceives most people is the fact that success looks so simple, and it is simple. Simple to understand that is. But success is also very hard…and it’s hard because it requires you to be consistent; it requires you to change your lifestyle (your daily actions, thinking, and habits). 蒙蔽众人的是成功看起来如此简单,它的确简单。但成功同时也很困难,它难在需要你坚持,难在需要你改变生活方式(你的日常行为、思考和习惯)。 …Never forget that your habits will take you farther than your desires! 不要忘了比起欲望,习惯能带你走更远。 Desire can only take you so far…before you burn out, you must rely on the train tracks of habit to get you to your destination. 在你欲望灼尽时,它只能带你走这么远,而习惯却能带你到终点。 You have to Change Your Lifestyle 改变你的生活方式 It is your lifestyle that produces rewards. A lifestyle of working hard every day produces certain rewards; a lifestyle of learning everyday produces certain rewards; a lifestyle of eating right everyday produces certain rewards; a lifestyle of focusing on your passion every day, produces certain rewards. 是你的生活方式产生回报。每日努力必有所回报。每日学习必有所回报,每日健康饮食必有所回报,每日专注于你的激情必有所回报。 A lifestyle of trying to cheat the system and get something for nothing, also produces, but it doesn’t produce rewards, it produces confusion. 试图欺骗“成功系统”、不劳而获的生活方式也会产生结果,但却不是产生回报,它产生了困


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