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* D Square Transformation Consulting * 学你所爱 爱你所学 永不放弃 永不认输 * D Square Transformation Consulting * 成功是一种态度,而非难度。 - 态度决定高度 * D Square Transformation Consulting * 谦虚及感恩的心 生命是一个舞台,我们要尽心尽力尽意, 尽性的演出,不计较我伴演那一个角色, 成就我们自己生命的最大价值。 * D Square Transformation Consulting * WWW.5X 地区大使: * D Square Transformation Consulting * 联系 陈朝益 (David Dan) 总裁 D Square Transformation Consulting Inc. 主要企業轉型諮詢公司 (美国) 培训项目 南开国际论坛资深顾问。 “新营销策略及实践”,“企业转型”及”创新与创业” 顾问. 高階经理人教练 年轻人教练 WWW.5X 我学网 理事 DavidDan2007@G WWW.ConsultD2.com * D Square Transformation Consulting * 问答时间 * AW notes: Some of these notes are from our group debriefing following Roy’s seminar at JSJ. Others are my own opinions added later. Roy made a great first stab and this talk gave us good information to recalibrate off of. Larry company: this differs somewhat from the flowchart we’ve previously discussed. I’m sending this to give you a flavor of what was done, and hopefully my editorial comments give you the feel for which direction I’d like to head (not exactly our old way, not exactly Roys way here). Let me know what areas need more clarification. Roy already had some notes in here using blue font. I’ve added mine using this lovely purplish color. A general comment about the look of things: some of the graphics presented were a little confusing because they were too complex or had too much info packed in at once. We should look at simplifying these and providing less “clutter”. Also, much of the animation can be removed as it served more to distract than reinforce points. We need to pepper this talk with real-world examples from family life or business. Roy used many good ones, but was a bit lop-sided toward the technology / computer sector. It would be nice to mix them up a bit more. A few well placed , brief examples will work very nicely. Another point is that this material has a tendency to be rather theoretical, so we need to make conscious efforts to keep it practical and applied or else we’ll



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