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MEDLINE 光盘数据库 检索与利用 主要内容 1.Medline数据库介绍 2.WinSPIRS简介 3.数据库的组成结构 4.WinSPIRS检索界面 5.检索方法与技巧 6.检索练习 MEDLINE数据库 美国国立医学图书馆(National Library of Medicine, NLM)编辑出版 Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online MEDLINE数据库 1. 数据库的类型:书目型数据库 2. 收录5240多种世界范围的生物医学期刊,范围涉及70多个国家和地区,40多种语言的文献,以期刊文献为主 3. 学科范畴:基础医学、临床医学、实验医学、公共卫生学、药理学和药学、牙科学、护理学等。 数据库的组成结构 数据库的组成结构是指该数据库的每条记录是由哪些部分组成。 MEDLINE光盘数据库是由许多记录组成的,一条记录就是一篇文献,每条记录又是由若干字段组成的。 TI: GOLEM--multimedia simulator for medical education. AU: Kofranek,-J; Vu,-L-D; Snaselova,-H; Kerekes,-R; Velan,-T AD: Department of Pathological Physiology, 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. SO: Medinfo. 2001; 10(Pt 2): 1042-6 JN: Medinfo- IS: 1569-6332 PY: 2001 LA: English CP: Netherlands AB: We created multimedia medical training simulator GOLEM for learning diagnostics and therapy of the critical clinical disorders. The theoretical basis of the simulator is the mathematical formulation of the relationship of homeostasis of the internal environment (acid/base and electrolyte equilibrium, of transport of blood gases, of osmotic and volume homeostasis), respiration, circulation and kidneys including regulatory influence of relevant hormones and the influence of some therapeutic procedures. Mathematical description consists of 39 non-linear differential equations and containing 89 input and 179 output variables. For the development of the simulation models developers tools from MathWorks (Matlab and Simulink) has been used. The integration of the multimedia components, hypertext and simulation models interface was achieved by using Control Web, developed by Moravian Instruments, originally designed for long distance controls using PC and Internet. We have used our simulator as an efficient educational tool to help medical students learn circulatory, respiratory, acid-base, electrolyte, osmotic and volume


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