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天津职业技术师范大学 Tianjin University of Technology and Education 毕 业 设 计 专 业:应用电子技术教育 班级学号: 0811-25 学生姓名: 岳阿娜 指导教师: 丁学文 副教授 二○一三 年 六 月 天津职业技术师范大学本科生毕业设计 宠物定时喂食器设计 The Design on Pet Timing Feeding Device 专业班级: 应电 0811 学生姓名: 岳阿娜 指导教师:丁学文 副教授 系 别:电子工程学院 2013年06月 摘 要 本宠物喂食器,即将宠物饲料放入其中,设定喂食,当到达这一时间后自动进行喂食。主要研究如何。宠物自动喂食器主要包括单片机AT89S52、和。对各个进行控制。喂食器的喂食过程,通过键盘设定,当到达时间时,。通过示。本设计解决了工作节假日于主人不在不能对宠物食宠物的问题操作简单。 ABSTRACT The study is a design on pet timing feeding device, that is, pet feed into it first, by setting feeding point in time, when arrives at this point, the system signal attracts pet and automatically feeding. This design is mainly to study how to set time and signal feeding. Pet timing feeding device include microcontroller AT89S52, Power circuit, the key circuit, LCD12864 display module, DS1302 clock circuit, DS18B20 temperature testing module and music alert system. The microcontroller is the core unit, to control various modules work. Feeder feeding process is through the keyboard to set the time, when arrives the point, microcontroller drive light-emitting diodes led, buzzer sound, attract pet feeding and automatically feeding. Design with calendar and temperature sensor record pet growth cycle conveniently. Countdown system time is displayed through the LCD12864. This design solves the problem that keeping pet healthy when people work or not at home on the holidays. The system is operated easily and the circuit is stability. It has a certain popularization value. Key Words:Pet feeding device ; AT89S52 ; LCD12864 display module;erpetual calendar 目 录 1引言 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2功能概述 1 1.3社会意义 1 2系统方案设计 2 2.1总体设计方案构思 2 2.2系统组成模块设计 2 2.2.1单片机芯片的选择 2 2.2.2时钟显示电路 3 2.2.3时钟芯片的选择 3 2.2.4温度传感器的选择 4 3系统硬件设计 5 3.1 AT89S52单片机简介 5 3.2 单片机模块设计 8 3.2.1单片机主控系统 8 3.2.2单片机的复位电路 9 3.2.3时钟电路 10 3.3主要模块功能 10 3.3.1液晶显示模块LCD12864 10 3.3.2按键模块 12 3.3.3蜂鸣器模块 13 3.3.4照明灯 13 3.3.5 DS1302 13 3.3.6 DS18B2


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