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小榄吉安学校 五年级 英语教案 执教时间: 2015年4月13日 总第 一 课时 主备人: 黄奇珍 二次备课教师:黄奇珍 教学单元 Unit3 第一 课时 课题 Unit3 On Vacation 教学内容 Words: have a picnic visit relatives help Dad take photos play with friends make models surf the Internet read books Sentence pattern: —what are you going to do during the vacation ? —I’m going to…….. —Where is she/he/going to do there? —she/he is going to…… 教学目标 Can read the eight phrases . How to speak English that choice the communication media use the sentence patter to make dialogue with their partners. 教学重点 教学难点 1. How to use the sentence pattern and answer the questions. 2. —what are you going to do during the vacation ? —I’m going to…….. —Where is she/he/going to do there? —she/he is going to…… 教学准备 ppt . word cards 教学过程 二次备课 Step1. Warming up. Greeting. 2.free talk T: What are you going to do during your vacation? S: I am going to……… Step 2: Presentation. Learn the eight new words T: Lisa and Gogo’s vacation is coming,now,let’s go to their cavation . Write the words: have a picnic visit relatives help Dad take photos on the blackboard. And practice the stenceses: 梂here is she/he/going to do during the vacation? 梥he/he is going to t…… Do you want to know what can I do on my vacation? Write the words: play with friends /make model/ surf the Internet read books And practice the stenceses: 梬hat are you going to do during the vacation ? 桰 ’m going to…….. T: can you tell me about your vacation? ?Practice the sentences with your partner 6. 句型结构: 主语+am, is, are+ going to +其它+during your vacation/there? 。Be动词要根据人称来变化。如: What are you..?What are they..? What is he…? What is she..? Step3. Practice 1.?Have?the?students?read?the?example?dialogue. 2.?learn to target: T: What are you going to do during your vacation? S: I’m going to…, T: Where are you going to do there? S: I’m going to ..l. 3. Explain the sentences of meaning. 4. Read after the tape . 5.pair work Step 4.Consolidation Finish the pageP30 Ask two groups to show their


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