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A shelf fungus, Ganoderma applanatum. Shelf fungi are responsible for most wood rot. An edible spine fungus, Hericium coralloides. The hymenium, an outer spore-bearing layer of basidia, is borne on the surface of the downwardly directed teeth. 蘑菇圈 A “fairy ring” found by the mushroom Marasmius oreades. Some fairy rings are estimated to be up to 500 years old. Because of the exhaustion of key nutrients, the grass immediately inside such a ring is often stunted and lighter green than the grass outside the ring. Puffballs, Lycoperdon ericetorum. Raindrops cause the thin outer layer of the puffball to dimple, forcing out a puff of air, mixed with spores, through the opening. Stink-horn, Phallus impudicus. The basidiospores are released in a foul-smelling, sticky mass at the top of the fungus. Flies, such as the individuals of Mydaea urbana shown here, visit it for food and spread the spores, which adhere to their legs and bodies in great numbers. White-egg bird’s-nest fungus, Crucibulum laeve. The round structures of the “nests” of these fungi contain the basidiospores, which are splashed out and dispersed by raindrops. Earthster,Geastrum saccutum,showing one fully opened individual and two others in earlier stages of development. The outer layer is folded back in this genus, raising the spore mass above the dead leaves. ㈢地衣 是一类特殊的植物,植物体为藻类和真菌的共生体。依植物体形态可分为壳状地衣、叶状地衣、枝状地衣 3 种类型。 高等植物 ㈠苔藓植物 一般特征:苔藓植物是高等植物中最原始的类群,大多数生活在潮湿的环境中,是水生到陆生的过渡类型。植物体矮小,为叶状体或茎叶体,有假根,无真根,无维管束构造。在生活史中,配子体(单倍体世代)占优势,孢子体(二倍体世代)不发达,不能独立生活,寄养于配子体上。雌性生殖器官称颈卵器,雄性生殖器官称精子器,精子有鞭毛。合子萌发形成胚,胚在颈卵器内发育成具有孢蒴、蒴柄、基足三部分的孢子体。 代表植物:地钱、小金发藓。 苔藓植物的一般特征 具茎、叶分化的颈卵器植物。配子体占优势,孢子体寄生或半寄生在配子体上。 1、配子体的形态与结构 小型的多细胞绿色植物 根:由单细胞或1列细胞组成的假根。 茎:有茎的分化或无茎的分化,茎具中轴或无中轴。 叶:叶状体由多层细胞构成; 茎叶体由1层细胞构成,具中肋或无。 扁平的叶状体 茎叶体 2、有性生殖器官: 雄性器官:精子器 形态多为棒状、球形 或卵形。 构造:外有一层不育细胞构成的壁,内部有多个能育的精原细胞,每个精原细胞可产生1个 或2个长形弯曲的精子, 顶端有2条鞭毛。 雌性器官:颈卵器 外形象长颈烧瓶,上部细狭,称为颈部,下部膨大,称为腹部。颈部和腹部的外壁都由单层细胞构成,颈部内有一串颈沟细胞,腹部有一大形


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