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* * * * * * * * * * * * On Psychology Sigmund Freud 制作人:1B112140马静静 Sigmund Freud?( 6 May 1856?– 23 Sept. 1939) was an Austrian?neurologist? who became known as the founding father of?psychoanalysis. Major works by Freud The Interpretation of Dreams?(1899 [1900]) 《梦的解析》 Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality (1905) 《性学三论》 On Narcissism (1914) 《论自恋》 Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920) 《超越快乐原则》 The Ego and the Id (1923) 《自我与本我》 Some Ideas of Sigmund Freud 人格结构理论: Id, Ego, Superego (自我、本我、超我) 精神层次理论 : Conscious, Preconscious , Unconscious (意识、前意识、潜意识) 心理治疗法: Free Association, Dream Interpretation, Transference(自由联想、释梦、移情) Id, Ego, Superego (自我、本我、超我) The id refers to the raw, unorganized, inherited part of the personality. Its main goal is to reduce tension created by our primitive drives which are related to hunger, sex, aggression and irrational impulses. The id operates according to the pleasure principle, in which its goal is immediate gratification and reduction of tension. 本我人格结构的最基本的层次。它处于心灵最底层,是一种与生俱来的动物性的本能冲动,特别是性冲动。它是混乱的、毫无理性的,只知按照快乐原则行事,盲目地追求满足。 The ego is the buffer between the id and the world’s realities. The ego operates on the reality principle. In this principle, instinctual energy is restrained in order to maintain the safety of the individual and help integrate the person into society. The ego is sometimes called “the executive” of an individual’s personality. The ego makes the decisions, controls actions and allows for a higher capability of problem solving. 中间一层是自我,它是从本我中分化出来是受现实陶冶而渐识时务的一部分。自我充当本我与外部世界的联络者与仲裁者,并且在超我的指导下监管本我的活动,它是一种能根据周围环境的实际条件来调节本我和超我的矛盾、决定自己行为方式的意识,代表的就是通常所说的理性或正确的判断。它按照“现实原则”行动,既要获得满足,又要避免痛苦。 The superego represents the rights and wrongs of the society as handed down to an individual over their lifetime. The superego has two subparts: the conscience and the ego-ideal. The conscience prevents us from doing morally bad things. The supereg


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