
第十二章 食品风险分析与食物中毒处理2学时(参考).ppt

第十二章 食品风险分析与食物中毒处理2学时(参考).ppt

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食物中毒事故的处罚 依食品安全法有关规定; 责令停止生产经营; 封存、销毁导致食物中毒的食物; 没收违法所得,并处以违法所得1~5倍罚款,无违法所得的处以1000元~5万元罚款; 造成“严重”事故的,或掺入有毒、有害的非食品原料,依法追究刑事责任;造成损害的,要给受害者民事赔偿; 对发生中毒单位、中毒人员处理 经过流学病学调查和统计、分析即可作出初步判断: ● 对急救治疗方案或对方案给必要的补充、更正,对特效治疗提出建议。 ● 对该单位的从业人员进行医学观察,发现患者及带菌者必须调离。   ● 对发生中毒单位进行食品卫生监督及依法进行行政处罚,必要时追究民事、刑事责任。 思考题 1、风险分析的主要内容有哪些,各自的 重点是什么? 2、简述食品风险分析的意义及方法。 3、简述食物中毒概念及调查处理程序。 * It is important to recognise that there are two components to the definition of risk. The first is the probability of an adverse health effect, ie what is the likelihood that there will be microbiological contamination of a food stuff? The second component is the severity of the effect; for example there may be a high likelihood of some amount of microbiological contamination of a food, but at the levels at which it occurs it may not affect the health of people very much. Conversely, you may have a situation in which the probability of having a pathogen present in food is very low, but if it is present, it will have a severe effect on the health of people eating the food. You will have to decide if will treat these situations differently. * * Chemical hazards: egs residues, additives/processing aids, environmental contaminants, toxins. Hazard identification establishes the toxicity of a substance; for example, by structural and associated physiochemical properties, metabolism and toxicokinetics, toxicity testing in animal models and /or in vitro testing. Microbiological hazards: Identify organisms or microbial toxins. The International Union for Microbiological Specifications has categorised the most serious and common hazards according to severity. Data on microbiological hazards also comes from controlled human studies, epidemiological studies and studies of outbreaks of foodborne disease. Nutritional hazards: egs poor nutrition linked chronic disease; interaction of micronutrients; balance of nutrients; total nutrient intake and toxicity. *




