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南崴子中学 八年级 英语 科导学案 课题 Unit 2 How often do you do exercise? 课型 新课 主备人 刘佳菊 审校 刘雅芬 刘艳波 授课人 八年级全体组员 备课日期 2016-8-22 授课日期 2016-8-29 一环 目 标 导 学 学习 目标 知识目标:Talk about how often you do things 能力目标:Get the messages from the others successfully. 情感目标:My lifestyle or habits 重点 Wh-questions, What do …?, How often …? 难点 Adverbs of frequency, All/most/some/none…. 二环 学 习 过 程 教师 调控 自 主 预 习 We can see many old things in the m______. They went to the mountains on v_____ last month. How was the weather yesterday? It was r____ . We watched TV at home. Hi, everyone. I’m your g____ today .Let me show you around the Palace Museum. Did you have an English e_____ last week? 三环 学 习 过 程 教师 调控 问 题 导 学 Talk about what you usually do on weekends and how often you do the things Words Sentences Past tense 典 型 训 练 To give Ss the opportunity to use the target language in conversations. To give Ss listening practice in the target language and encourage Ss to listen for details. To give Ss practice in reading for specific information To provide Ss with practice in writing in the target language 精 讲 点 拨 观察思考 结合课本的重点词汇及句型,找到重点、难点进行突破; 常见的频度副词有never(从不), sometimes(有时),often(经常),usually (通常), always(总是). 从0%(never)到100%(always)可以这样排序: 0%……………………………………100% never sometimes often usually always 归 纳 小 结 探究总结 1.整理词汇的用法; 2.找出相关短语的区别及联系; 3.重点句型的扩展 当 堂 检 测 (  ) 1.A: How often ______ she exercise? B: Twice a week.  A. do      B. does      C. doing    D. did   (  ) 2. I ______ like to drink milk.  A. not      B. doesn’t    C. don’t    D. no   (  ) 3. Good food and exercise ______ me to study better. A. help     B. helps      C. helping    D. to help   (  ) 4. Is her lifestyle the same ______ yours or different?  A. as      B. in       C. at      D. to   (  ) 5. I like ____ for breakfast. A. a book   B. a ruler     C. an egg    D. a sofa   (  ) 6. The ____are $21.  A. glasses


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