能力导向型教学法Competency-Based Language Teaching.ppt

能力导向型教学法Competency-Based Language Teaching.ppt

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能力导向型教学法Competency-Based Language Teaching

13 Competency-Based Language Teaching (CBLT) Background Competency-Based Education (CBE) refers to an educational movement that advocates defining educational goals in terms of precise measurable descriptions of the knowledge, skills, and behaviors students should possess at the end of a course of the study. The distinctive feature of CBE is the focus on output, outcome or competence. Three phases of CBE: 1960s-1980s behavioristic approach (vocation-related competency) 1980s-1990s behavioristic approach + generic skills Recent years specific competence + thinking + complicated working conditions Background (-黄福涛.《能力本位教育的历史与比较研究》[J]. 中国高教研究,2012:27-31) CBE教学体系的原理: 1.任何学生如果给予高水平的指导都可以熟练的掌握所 学的内容。 2.不同学生,学习成绩之所以不同是因为学习环境不充 分,而不是学生本身的差异,大多数学生,若有适合 自己的学习条件,那么在学习能力、学习进度、学习 动力等方面都会很相似。 3.教育工作者应该重视学,而不是重视教。 4.在教与学的过程中,最重要的是学生接受指导的方式 方法和指导质量。 Background (王淑玲,褚健.《加拿大 CBE教学模式带给我的体会》[J].教育研究,2012:12-14) Competency-Based Language Teaching (CBLT) is the application of the principles of CBE to language teaching. Background A job contains 8 to 12 comprehensive competence; each of them includes 5 to 30 specific skills or sub-competence on which the teaching units or curricular are based. (王淑玲,褚健.《加拿大 CBE教学模式带给我的体会》[J].教育研究,2012:12-14) CBLT shares features of the graded objectives movements. Weddel (2006) outlines the components of CBE and says the approach consists four parts. An assessment of the learners’needs The selection of the competencies The target instruction An evaluation of the competency attainment Background Nkwetisama, C. M.(2012). The competency based approach to English language education and the walls between the classroom and the society in Cameroon: Pulling down the walls” Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2(3), 516-523 Approach: Theory of language and learning 1.CBLT is based on a functional and interactional perspective on the nature of language. 2. Language form can be inferred from language function.


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